View Full Version : Salad bowl finish?

Bonnie Campbell
07-01-2007, 8:39 PM
Never used it before so not quite sure of the best way to use it. Should I buff it onto a bowl ON the lathe? Paint it on thicker, let it dry, THEN buff it on the lathe?


Terry Quiram
07-01-2007, 9:08 PM
Bonnie I assume you are talking about General Finishes Salad Bowl Finish. I apply with a paper towel. I use Viva. I tear a sheet into thirds and fold one piece 3 times then fold that in half. I apply a coat thick enough to see but not so thick that it runs. On the inside I start at the bottom and draw towards the rim. OOOO steel wool and tack rag between coats. I apply 3 to 5 coats depending how porous the wood is. After the piece cures for about a week I wet sand with micro mesh 8000 then 12000 to knock off the rough spots.


Bonnie Campbell
07-01-2007, 9:12 PM
Thanks Terry! Where would I get micro mesh in that grit? And when you say 'wet sanding', what is the 'wet' you're using? More of the finish?

Bernie Weishapl
07-01-2007, 10:47 PM
Bonnie I use the General Finishes Seal-A-Cell and then the Arm-R-Seal on my bowls that will be used for food. The kids have been using there salad bowls now for 6 months at least twice a week and they are still looking good. I put one coat of the Seal on and 3 coats of the Arm. Just before the last coat of Arm I use a gray synthetic pad, wipe and then apply the last coat.

Richard Madison
07-02-2007, 12:27 AM
Terry's wet sanding at that point is undoubtedly with plain water. For a less glossy look, just do the 0000 steel wool after the last coat of sealer and clean well to remove any bits of steel wool.

Terry Quiram
07-02-2007, 6:43 AM

Richard is correct. I use water with a couple of drops of dish washing soap to act as a lubricant. I dip the mm into the water and sand in smallish circular motion. Wipe dry with a paper towel. Use plenty of water. Here is a source for Micro Mesh. http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/cgi-bin/shopper?preadd=action&key=114-0200

I also want to say be careful dragging your finish over the rim of the bowl. Its easy to get a glob or a glob and run.


Bonnie Campbell
07-02-2007, 7:53 AM
Thanks for all the helpful information. I appreciate it! :)