View Full Version : Accusquare Fence Problem

Pat Germain
07-01-2007, 6:34 PM
I installed a MuleCab Accusquare Fence on my TS a few months ago. I'm still building my shop and hadn't used the fence for any serious projects.

Today I started working on a bookcase for my daughter and noticed a problem with the fence. At the front, where the fence bolts on, the bottom area is flared. The instructions said to tighten this area "Red in the face tight". I got it good and snug, but didn't get too carried away lest I strip the bolts.

Yet, the bolts have forced the bottom of the fence outward. This makes the fence slightly wider at the bottom front. In other words, theres a bump on the bottom left side. I tried to bend this back, but I'm afraid I may have made things worse.

Have any other accusquare users had this problem? Can you recommend a solution? I fear by trying to bend it back, the manufacturer will tell me I'm now out of luck.

glenn bradley
07-01-2007, 7:18 PM
I would definitely shoot them an email:


Pat Germain
07-01-2007, 7:29 PM
Done. I hope they have a good answer.

Steve Clardy
07-01-2007, 8:18 PM
Same fence here. 4 or so years I guess.
No problems other than the tape seemed to change by seasons. Shrinks, expands.
I emailed them about, and they just sent me another one.

Eddie Darby
07-02-2007, 5:47 AM
I have found the customer service goes above, and beyond the call of duty, so I would contact them and let them know.

I had my back rail bent by someone accidentally, and they offered me a free replacement if I couldn't fix it. I was able to fix it, but it helped knowing that if I failed, I had a back-up option. I had nothing to loose, so I could be bold.

Bill Huber
07-02-2007, 10:20 AM
Today I started working on a bookcase for my daughter and noticed a problem with the fence. At the front, where the fence bolts on, the bottom area is flared. The instructions said to tighten this area "Red in the face tight". I got it good and snug, but didn't get too carried away lest I strip the bolts.

Yet, the bolts have forced the bottom of the fence outward. This makes the fence slightly wider at the bottom front. In other words, theres a bump on the bottom left side. I tried to bend this back, but I'm afraid I may have made things worse.

Have any other accusquare users had this problem? Can you recommend a solution? I fear by trying to bend it back, the manufacturer will tell me I'm now out of luck.

Are you talking about the channel that the fence rides on? The one that goes all away across the front of the saw?

When you loosen the bolt does it come back in shape or still have a bump in it?

Now if it is the fence it's self that there is on way you could do anything with it.

I think you are on the right track, like Glenn said get in contact with them.

Pat Germain
07-02-2007, 7:36 PM
Actually, it's the front of the fence itself which is bent. It's bent right where it bolts to the T-fitting. The threaded inserts which sit inside the slots of the fence pushed out the metal.

If is anyone is really interested, I could try to post a picture. I'll be sure to let everyone know if I hear back from Mulecab.

Steve Clardy
07-02-2007, 7:40 PM
Does it have the 1/8" or so thick spacer under the fence end where it bolts?

I first got mine, and did notice the tightening instructions.
I snugged them tight, but didn't get silly with them.

Bill Huber
07-02-2007, 8:22 PM
Actually, it's the front of the fence itself which is bent. It's bent right where it bolts to the T-fitting. The threaded inserts which sit inside the slots of the fence pushed out the metal.

If is anyone is really interested, I could try to post a picture. I'll be sure to let everyone know if I hear back from Mulecab.

I will be watching for a fix, it sounds like they used the wrong insert or something like that.

When you get it fixed I have 2 modes I have done to mine that I really like. One is a spring to push the licking plate back away from the rail and the other is a pin in the locking plate.


Both of which just make it easier to take the fence on and off without the lock plate hitting the channel.

Pat Germain
07-02-2007, 9:08 PM
Does it have the 1/8" or so thick spacer under the fence end where it bolts?

Yes, it has the spacer. I had to remove it and grind it down right after I first installed the fence. It stuck out beyond the fence about 1/4". It also has a taper to it. It's not completely flat, which may be causing my problems here.

I'm wondering if I ended up with an early version of the Accusquare when there were some quality problems. When I bought it at Rockler, the sales staff said they hadn't sold one in many years. My fence is black. Every other Accusquare I've seen is blue or gold. There are also no end caps on my fence which I've seen all others. :confused:

Steve Clardy
07-02-2007, 9:27 PM
Must be. I've never seen a black one.

Mine is gold, end caps, etc.

Pat Germain
07-03-2007, 8:47 PM
I heard back from MuleCab today. John said he would send me a new rail at no charge. I certainly can't argue with that. I honestly wasn't trying to get a new component from them, but I'm very impressed they offered. I hope I will receive a newer version with end caps which isn't succeptible to the problem I experienced.

Thanks for your help, everyone.

Eddie Darby
07-05-2007, 3:38 PM
I have had the same great service, some 10 years ago or so. Nice to know that things haven't changed.

Pat Germain
07-14-2007, 11:02 AM
FYI, I received a new fence "T-Square" from Mulecab and I installed it yesterday. The design of this new T-Square is different from my old fence.

On my old T-Square, there were two t-slots on the top and bottom. When I tightened the T-Square, the bottom t-slots would expand, thus putting a "bulge" in the fence.

On the new T-Square, there is one t-slot on the top and none on the bottom. The bolts go through drilled holed on the bottom. Tightening these bolts has no affect on the shape of the fence. This is a great improvement.

As I suspected, it seems my fence was an early design with some flaws later resolved. I understand problems are going to arise with any product. What matters is how the manufacturer makes it right. In this case, Mulecab made it right quickly and with no questions asked. As we used to say in the Navy, "Good on ya, Mulecab!".

Steve Clardy
07-14-2007, 11:19 AM
Sounds great :D

Bill Huber
07-14-2007, 11:53 AM
Glad to hear you got it fixed and working like it should. It is always nice to here the out come of a problem when it gets fixed.


Eddie Darby
07-14-2007, 7:55 PM
How to go MuleCab!

I can remember being instructed to *Really* tighten down the 4 bolts that hold the fence onto the rail locking mechanism, so having a flat bottom will be a good improvement indeed.