View Full Version : morris chair

John Daugherty
06-26-2007, 6:58 PM
Here are a couple pictures of a morris chair I finished last week. I've wanted to make one for a while. I finally decided to just go ahead and do it or it would never get built.

The wood is red oak. I used wood that I recycled from an old barn. The wood has a lot of "character". I found out however that if you plane it enough it starts to look like new oak. I thought there was too much contrast of the wood, so I used a rather dark stain to try and even out the color. The arms and legs have two coats. All the other parts have one.

I used straight arms because I plan on using this as my tv chair. The flat arms give me plenty of room for a drink and the remote.

I'm waiting for the wife to finish the back cushion. It required sewing, which I have no clue about.

Carl Eyman
06-26-2007, 8:01 PM
Great Project. When I was a kid Morris chairs were old fashioned.People had them in summer cottages and such. Wish I'd cornered the market on them. But where would I have stored them all these years?

Jason Tuinstra
06-26-2007, 8:24 PM
Very nice. I'm normally not much of a stain guy, but the stain on this turned out really nice. Great job.

Paul Douglass
06-27-2007, 12:10 AM
Very nice job. I love Morris chairs so much, I built one also. Turn out nice and very comfortable. I like your dark stain.

Alex Elias
06-27-2007, 5:09 AM
It looks very nice and well done finish. From here it look a bit too deep. Is it me?

Jeffrey Makiel
06-27-2007, 6:34 AM
Very nice. Morris would be proud. :)

-Jeff :)

John Daugherty
06-27-2007, 12:32 PM
Thanks for all the comments.

Jason, I always enjoy looking at your work. I normally don't like stain on things either. I had not intended to use stain only blo and a clear coat. However, after milling the pieces some of them were very dark red and some almost had the color of maple and many in between. I thought the contrast in color would look bad. Stain was the only way I could figure out that would even out the color.

Alex, if by too deep you mean from front to back, I think it might be because the back cushion isn't in yet. I'll post pics again when the wife makes the back.

I loosely followed the plans in Woodsmith issue 155 for the chair. I'm 6'2 and wish the chair would have been about 1-2 inches taller.

Charles Jackson III
06-27-2007, 9:31 PM
Nice chair.