View Full Version : Doggy Steps

Brad Hammond
06-26-2007, 4:18 PM
i havent posted in a while, but i promise i've been busy!
thought i'd post a pic of some steps i've made for our oldest of the litter, noah. he's a mut that looks like a flat coated retriever and my wife and i have noticed that he sometimes hesitates when jumping our bed. we also sleep with a chocolate lab. EVERYBODY'S cozy at our house!
anywhoo... i made these out of some scrap mahogony and spalted sycamore. i resaw'd the sycamore for some book matched panels. thought i'd experiment with the spalting a little. finished with blo and poly. the step treads are 1/2" luan trimmed with mahogany. we plan on adding a runner of sorts to the treads for some traction. they measure over all 27"tall by 21" deep. steps are 9" risers and 7" treads.
so far he's taken to them quite well. any critiques at all are more than welcome! i'm gonna make a fervent effort to post more. i enjoy seeing everyone elses work so much, i wanna get back in the fun!
thanx all!

Grady Cowardin
06-26-2007, 4:54 PM
Those colors match very well and its nice to see another shop dweller in the hot humid south! The guys up north have it too easy ;) Job well done.

Jim O'Dell
06-26-2007, 7:32 PM
Very nice! Quite worthy of the canine family member. I built a single step, about 6' long that is carpeted. Not pretty at all, but functional. About 8" tall. Our Irish seem to do well with the single step. Jim.

Doug Shepard
06-26-2007, 7:36 PM
I had something similar for an aging cat that couldn't get up on the bed anymore without help. It wasn't nowhere near as nice as yours' though. Nice job.

Brad Hammond
06-26-2007, 8:50 PM
thanx all very much!