View Full Version : largest segmented vase to date

Robert McGowen
06-22-2007, 2:44 PM
This is my largest segmented piece to date. Walnut and maple with Danish oil and a Beall buffing. 181 pieces, 14" tall, 8" at widest point, and 3" at base. LOML thinks that I should have taken more wood out of the space from about 2" up from the base to about 2" below the large ring in the middle. Give it more of a straight sided look. I am looking for critique on the shape please.

P.S. I sold it to the first person that looked at it for quite a nice price, so I have pretty thick skin on the critique! (stealth gloat :) )

Paul Engle
06-22-2007, 2:59 PM
no , looks like a ballon out on the AZ desert during their fly in. very nice. LOML wants me to make her one based on what the ballons look like , since I have not ever done one I'd rather sell her one of yours or Malcoms...:D

Benjamin Dahl
06-22-2007, 3:04 PM
Robert, nice piece and nice gloat. I like the form and the finish.

Bill Wyko
06-22-2007, 3:31 PM
There you go again Robert. Great piece. It has a very nice flow to it. I hope I can start selling some pieces soon. You really took to segmenting like a fish in water. Again, great job.

Richard Madison
06-22-2007, 4:16 PM
Took a moment for the shape to grow on me, but I like it. Very nice smooth curvature. Straighter "sides" would be less pleasing to the eye. With apologies to your LOML.

Steve Schlumpf
06-22-2007, 6:02 PM
Wasn't to sure about the shape at first - but when you said you already sold it - the shape just has to be a winner!!! Great looking wood, joinery and love the finish! Very nice work!

Bernie Weishapl
06-22-2007, 6:33 PM
Robert that is a beauty. I like the form and finish. Great gloat on the sale.

Malcolm Tibbetts
06-22-2007, 7:13 PM
so I have pretty thick skin on the critique! (stealth gloat )

Robert, very nice job on the joinery. Congratulations on the sale. You avoided cross-grain joints and that's a huge accomplishment. I have a few suggestions on the form. Imagine the base being a few inches higher on the profile. By doing so, you would have created a nice continuous flowing curve from top to bottom, and in my opinion, the shape would have been better. Reversing curve direction is usually risky unless it has a purpose such as defining a vessel opening. Regarding your top opening, it could use a little definition – a bead, a lip, a different color wood, etc. Also the feature ring would benefit with a contrasting color above and below it which would “frame it and make it more important.

Keep up the good work – you’re doing great!

Robert McGowen
06-22-2007, 8:03 PM
:D Okay, I'll just throw this out there for grins. LOML also thinks that it looks better upside down with a lamp shade on it. She has already requested a semi-matching pair of lamps, "maybe a bit larger." I asked her if she knew what "3520b" meant? She said, "No, what?" I told her I would explain later.....:)

Dennis Peacock
06-22-2007, 11:02 PM
She has already requested a semi-matching pair of lamps, "maybe a bit larger." I asked her if she knew what "3520b" meant? She said, "No, what?" I told her I would explain later.....:)

LOL!!!!!! Good one Robert!!!!!! Now....get it on order and show her how big of a lamp base you can turn for her on it. :D

mike fuson
06-22-2007, 11:40 PM
Robert you have come a long way since your last degmented piece. Joinery and finish looks good, I can't really grab a hold on the form, but you sold the piece and that is satisfying. Keep up the good work

Ernie Nyvall
06-23-2007, 9:15 AM
Nice segmenting job Robert. I kinda like it as a lamp too.

Brian Weick
06-23-2007, 9:26 AM
I actually like that- I think it looks great! ~ thats somthing to think about- nice job rob!

Pete Jordan
06-23-2007, 9:32 AM
Great work Robert! Make sure you get the extension with the mustard.

Tom Sherman
06-23-2007, 10:55 AM
Very cool Rob I like it either way as a Vase or as a lamp, has a good 'feel' either way.

Ken LaSota
06-23-2007, 11:23 AM
Robert great job.I like it both as a vase and as a lamp . By the way is it top heavy as a vase?