View Full Version : Maybe I'm starting to get the hang of this turny thing!

Don Farr
01-12-2004, 1:41 PM
Nothing fancy. Just a little Maple bowl, but it is the fastest thing I have turned yet and the thinest so far. I guess it took two or three hours total. The rim broke once but after a little fussing and cussing I jumped back on it and turned out the break.
Thanks for looking.

Kevin Gerstenecker
01-12-2004, 3:06 PM
See Don, that ain't so tough now is it? :D Nice job, that Bowl looks really good. Sanding is my least favorite part of turning, but it does pay to be patient...........especially when the patience results in something nice like this bowl. Funny how a little cussing and fussing helps when you have an "Oops". Nice save on the Rim..............the proportions look good. Thanks for sharing the Picture Don................makes ya feel good when you turn out a nice one, doesn't it? ;) NICE!!!

Sparky Paessler
01-12-2004, 3:53 PM
Looks great. I turned a black Gum bowl Saturday that I had to "save" three times! Keep up the good work.

Ace Karner
01-12-2004, 6:16 PM
Gets addictive doesn't it. I'm pretty new to turning and like I've said before, the term "catch" sounds way to innocent for the actual event.

Nice bowl, am waiting to see the next.


Don Farr
01-13-2004, 8:13 AM
Gets addictive doesn't it.


You got that right Ace!!! The more turn the more I want to turn.

Brad Schafer
01-13-2004, 8:19 AM
great looking bowl, don. shape and figuring are excellent,


Jim Becker
01-13-2004, 9:08 AM
Another attractive piece, Don. Great job! (Nice bandsaw table, too...)

Ted Shrader
01-13-2004, 10:42 AM
Don -

The lines and grain of that bowl flow very well.

Nice job,