View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-18-2007, 8:43 AM
18 June 2007 already....wow...time sure flies by these days.

I sure hope each father here had a great father's day.

No real shop time for me this past weekend. Work was "work" and I spent some time with the family this weekend. It was church and playing bass on Sunday with a couple of movies with the family Sunday evening.

I haven't made any real progress with the oval kitchen table this past week because I haven't had time or desire to get back on it. It's been hot and humid here and I just don't handle the heat as well as I used to. Anybody else got that kind of problem? I can take the cold much better than I can the heat.

Well, it's off to have breakfast with the family and then it's off to see what I can get done around here.

So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Nancy Laird
06-18-2007, 8:48 AM
Work all day on Saturday--I had both lasers running full out from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, turned out 8 of the 12 orders I had pending, while LOML was in Santa Fe finishing off a DC install. Yesterday was rest day for both of us--relaxing, a movie, and just enjoying the day. Dennis, it's hot here too!!


Calvin Hobbs
06-18-2007, 8:53 AM
...started off great because I skipped work and actually played golf on Friday afternoon. I got my money's worth, if you are counting shots per dollar. Had a quiet evening and watched a movie with my wife.

Spent Saturday working on the last few inspection/repair type items for the new homeowners (we have to be out of the house on the 24th). Had friends over for burgers and all the kids played together.

Sunday was a great Father's Day. The kids and Buffy (my wife) had cards for me, Ellie and Ben sang in church from the songs they learned in Bible School, we went out for breakfast after church.

Finished up the deck rails (for the home sale), watched some golf, and grilled out last night. Salmon, baked potatoes, salad.

All in all a wonderful weekend. What a privilege and blessing to be a husband and a father.


Don Bullock
06-18-2007, 9:21 AM
Friday night my mother-in-law took us to dinner to celebrate the last day of school. We're now "free" until the end on August.

Well, Saturday morning was a real bummer. We got up at 3:00 a.m., left the house at 4:00 a.m. and drove three hours to a dog show only to be dumped by the judge. Then we had to drive all the way back home. At least we were home by noon, so I was able to get in some work on my mantle project.

Sunday turned out much better. I got a lot accomplished on my mantle project. It's really coming along. I told my wife that the sliding compound miter saw that I bought this year came in handy when I cut the 6/4 board for the mantle to length. Cutting it on the table saw would have been difficult. I did manage to break the old Skil jig saw that belonged to my dad while cutting out the section of the mantle board that wraps around some bricks on the fireplace. Today I have to go out and buy a new saw to finish up the cuts. Oh, I also got to watch the whole NASCAR race.

Matt Meiser
06-18-2007, 9:23 AM
Friday after work I made a mad dash to Ken Craft in Toledo to pick up the sheet goods for my bathroom cabinets. I called to say I was running late but really wanted to pick up $400 worth of stuff so they waited for me. I also ordered all the hardware.

Saturday was LOML's family reunion at our house so the entire day was spent related to that. I did take the time to assembly my father's day gift which I had gotten a few days early (see my post in the off topic forum.)

Sunday we ran errands to pick up more stuff for the bathroom project and installed the AC unit in the shop window. Tonight I'm planning to build a drying rack so I can spray all the cabinet parts when I get them cut up--which should be in a few days since Dino just mailed me that my EZ upgrade parts are going out today.

Jason Boushard
06-18-2007, 9:47 AM
cleaned up my shed and got it ready to start converting it to a workshop. got part of my new dock for the canoe finished, built a new gate, put up the new mailbox, and made a lattice screen to hide the garbage cans. I also slept outside in the tent with my son hes 10 and just had to try our new tent out I was so glad to sleep in my own bed last night, gonna have to buy a nice air mattress lol.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-18-2007, 9:52 AM
On Call this past week. Friday the LOML drove to Vancouver, WA for our granddaughter's "official/formal" wedding on Saturday.

Saturday morning ...vertigo attack....a while later got paged. Took care of that....turned 7 of the 14 couch legs.

Sunday recovering from watching a movie 'till the wee hours, got paged. Talked with customer and then vegetated. The LOML got home and fixed me a "scratch" pecan pie for Father's Day. Got calls from 2 of my kids and the oldest son dropped by to visit and dropped off a card.

Busy week ahead....end of month things to get done before we fly out to Houston for a visit with youngest son and spouse and my first official duty as an SMC Staffer.......Inspect and test drive Chris Hartley's "Beauty"....:rolleyes: :D

Jim Becker
06-18-2007, 10:03 AM
Nice weekend, but not fruitful relative to shop time...the YMCA run for swimming and karate on Saturday afternoon, followed by a Creeker Gathering (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=59962)for nosh in the evening. Sunday, I took the girls to Tabby's Place (http://www.tabbysplace.org/) to visit the cat they sponsor (pics below) and on the way home we made a quick stop at Fred Voorhees' place where I got to see his EC in progress. Rounded out the weekend with some good Chinese food at Mandarin Garden in Willow Grove PA.

I hope all the fathers had a great day on Sunday!

66563 66564

Tyler Howell
06-18-2007, 10:19 AM
Nice weekend at the new place. Spent several hours playing with the new Kubota tractor, first loading the mower.......by myself then removing the loader. Got them all back on and working bye mid day.
2 hours in the saddle mowing about 2.5 acres of grass. Area was reduced down by .5 acres as it was filled with wild flowers.
Creeker visit with Rick Schubert. Real nice outside dining bye the biggest lake in the USA.
Worked on power distribution in the shop, have 2 of 5 drop down power cables complete.:D
Have a safe week.

Al Willits
06-18-2007, 11:58 AM
Gonna try and forget last weekend, spent most of sat with Beasty while she went on a shopping spree, did get by Rocklers and picked up a flush cut saw and the inlay accessories for my Colt router, then got to take us to a late lunch at a local seafood restaurant, managed to put a couple of coats of poly on the never ending project storage cabinet.

Sunday worked and found we saved a few bucks in the afternoon, the two large maple trees we have are both due to be removed, one is split down the middle and the other has major limbs dieing, seems one decided to drop one of the larger limbs on the garage and boat....
I did discover I'm getting to old for chain saws and 94 degree weather, but luckily nothing appears to be damaged and we have one less limb to pay to have removed... :)

Did get a bit more poly on the cabinet doors before I said enough, and vegetated in front of the TV till bed time.

Al........who doesn't think poly and sweat makes a good finish....

Dan Gill
06-18-2007, 12:03 PM
I had a great Father's Day. I had all three of my kids there, and they surprised me with the first season of WKRP in Cincinnatti. I looked for it months ago and couldn't find it then.

On Saturday, I went out and bought a motorcycle--a Suzuki Boulevard S40. It's not the Triumph America I really wanted, but it's a good bike for getting back into riding after more than 25 years.

I even got some woodworking done, sanding out the top and drawer fronts for my daughter's dresser, and getting them stained.

It was a great weekend until about 12:15 last night. Then we started getting water in the house from the torrential rain we had. Used every towel we had and emptied the shop vac a dozen times. My outdoor drain was working, but there was 8 - 10 inches of water on top of it. I got absolutely no sleep after that. But we are blessed in that most of the house is tile floored.

Chuck Wintle
06-18-2007, 12:57 PM
Got myself a nice Bosch scms (on sale) and helped my son repair his car.:D

Gary Ratajczak
06-18-2007, 1:11 PM
Got the primer coat on an older Rockwell 4" Jointer I am refurbishing. Picked up for $50 from a guy at work. HEAVY for its size. Don't have a jointer, so this will be a shop addition. New knives from Infinity are ready to install.

glenn bradley
06-18-2007, 2:19 PM
Combo B-day Father's Day for me Sunday. My parents and my kids came to visit at LOML's house where we all had a BBQ. Got a little time in on Saturday to finish off a couple pantry pullouts (these things have caught on) and something small for LOML.

Chip Olson
06-18-2007, 2:28 PM
Unexpectedly was able to spend several hours in the shop yesterday and made a ton of progress on the cabinets: installed the slides for the slide-out trash can holder I built last week and got the panels for the shelves cut to size. The diagonal cutout for the shelves in the upper corner cabinet took a few tries to get right; fortunately I cut it too big instead of too small. Also cut the cherry edging for the shelves and the cherry filler strips that will go between the face frames of the corner cabinets and the ones to their left (this is so the drawers will clear each other, and I have to put a matching one in the uppers so the range hood will line up with the range).

Dinner at my sister's to celebrate my parents' birthdays.

Robert Miller
06-18-2007, 2:54 PM
Beofre my family took me out to dinner for Father's day,I worked in the shop Sunday on my new workbench that I'm close to finishing. After years of 2x4 workbenches, I finally decided I wanted a traditional bench so even though my main project right now is this mahogany speedboat that I'm building, I've told myself I need this bench,

yep, I need it.

OK! OK! OK!:eek:

I want it......http://www.sawmillcreek.org/images/icons/icon12.gifhttp://www.sawmillcreek.org/images/icons/icon10.gif

06-18-2007, 4:07 PM
No woodworking lately as I've been prepping a Miata I picked up over the winter for it's first track time. I went to VIR this weekend to run the Grand East course for a club track event. Until this year, it was the longest road course in the US at ~4.2 miles. What a blast. I flogged the Miata without mercy all weekend and definitely found the "limits of adhesion". On Sunday I got to play on the track with another Miata for a few sessions. Definitely having trouble getting back into work after the weekend action.

Fred Voorhees
06-18-2007, 5:19 PM
Got started on my television armoire project over the weekend. Got the pieces (shelves and sides) fabbed up and ready for assembly. However, I decided to do some prefinishing before assembly this time. Mostly because some space limitations after assembly would have made it difficult, and partly because I wanted to experience the method first hand since I have never done such a thing before. Saturday night found me heading to my usual Saturday night haunt, the New Egypt Speedway for some great dirt track modified stock car action and WOW, what a feature event - right down to the last few feet of action at the checkered flag. One of the best events I have seen there in a number of years. Sunday found me getting in some early morning hours in the shop before a few of the guys came over to take in the days NASCAR event in the bar room. Grilled chicken and shrimp cocktail was on the days menu and we were even blessed with a quickie visit from our own Mr. Becker.

John Shuk
06-18-2007, 9:03 PM
Went to Saratoga Springs Thursday to Saturday with the wife to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Without the kids!!! I love my 3 boys but talk about relaxing! And no we aren't planning on having a 4th after this trip either! Came home Sat and relaxed woke up with breakfast in bed Sun and had a nice Father's day with the kids.
By the way if ever in Saratoga in the summer months to the fall I recommend staying here. Wonderful place. We've stayed there a few times and it is just perfect.

Ned Bulken
06-18-2007, 11:17 PM

there is the platform for my new shop, my two sons, and a trio of fellow woodworkers all helped me get this 'far' (started on Saturday).