View Full Version : Hickory tree shattered

Barry Londrigan
06-18-2007, 7:55 AM
Quick question....a friend of mine felled a huge hickory tree and we were hoping to salvage some really nice lumber only to be dismayed.... When the tree hit the ground, it shattered all over the place along the grain from top to bottom?? What happened??

Randy Denby
06-18-2007, 9:14 AM
Tree fall down.....go boom !:D

Seriously, sounds like it was hit by lightening maybe?

Ian Abraham
06-18-2007, 7:17 PM
Happens sometimes :o

Did the tree impact trunk first on a knob of high ground or something? Usually the lighter upper branches or surrounding smaller trees will cushion the impact, but if it falls directly onto one impact point... yup they can shatter.

