View Full Version : This Weekends Pens

Shane Whitlock
06-17-2007, 10:25 PM
I think I posted this first Box Elder burl cigar pencil already, it was part of a pen/pencil set that I made for my dad. I took it to work Friday to show it off to the guys and somehow I lost the dang pen :( Major bummer!


So today I hurried and made a couple more before my dad got back from fishing. These are Classic Americans.

I also made an Oak pen for my step dad ... He loves Oak

My son also made his first pen this weekend, a slimline. I think he did a great job. The wood is orange osage.

I never thought I would enjoy turning pens, but dang I am having fun making them...lol

Thanks for looking and Happy Turning,
Shane Whitlock

Steve Schlumpf
06-17-2007, 10:38 PM
Shane - I can't believe you lost the pen!!! Hopefully it will turn up!

All the pens you turned look really good! Let your son know that the osage pen looks great! He should be proud of it!

paul wiser
06-17-2007, 10:53 PM
pens are beauties. super photos

Bernie Weishapl
06-17-2007, 11:01 PM
Shane the pens are beauties. That is great that your son is doing them also. Nice job by all.

Paul Heely
06-18-2007, 7:26 AM
Shane the pens all look great. Your son did a fine job on his.

Jim Shaver, Oakville Ont
06-18-2007, 7:46 AM

Beautiful pens, I really enjoy the spalted pens the best...what is your finsish if you don't mind sharing.:)

Again, wonderful work;)

Pete Jordan
06-18-2007, 8:01 AM
Great Job Shane!

You might want to double check you co-workers.

Jeffrey Fusaro
06-18-2007, 8:12 AM
nice pens, shane!

what finish are you using, and how do you like it?

Shane Whitlock
06-18-2007, 8:06 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Jim and Jeffrey the finish is CA and BLO. Jeffrey I really like this finish, quick and easy, buffs to a nice shiney gloss and seems very durable. I used it on some handles I made for my gouges about 6 months ago and they still look good. I did learn that not all CA glues are the same though. I have been using the thick Special T from Woodcraft. I have even used it as a finish on several HFs and bowls and it goes on great. I recently ran out of the Special T and tried the thick USA Gold brand and its a pain in the butt. Drys way to quick for a thick glue which leaves lots of streaks/bumps/spirals (whatever ya wanna call it) on the pens which are a pain to sand out. I went back to the Special T and haven't had any more problems. I do however think the USA Gold works better as a filler and I really like the thin USA gold for a quick sealer.

Thanks again for the comments and Happy Turning,
Shane Whitlock