View Full Version : No thats big burl

Craig D Peltier
06-15-2007, 11:51 PM
Stumbled upon this today. 3500lb burl over 600 years old.

Link to ebay removed

Is that really really big?

Craig D Peltier
06-16-2007, 8:12 PM
Why do the moderators remove links to ebay? I dont own it? Could I say search ebay for these words?

Is this site owned by a company?

I know theres rules and there posted by why links to ebay?

John Shuk
06-16-2007, 8:54 PM
One reason is to keep people from loading up the site with links that are promoting their own auctions. It could get pretty spammy if that started to happen here. Another is that the links have a shelf life and I don't think that The administators want to archive a bunch of useless links.

Usually what people do is to cut and paste the item number into their post then if others would like to see the auction they can cut and paste into the Ebay search box.
No this site is not owned by a company but by The Outtens who generously donate alot of time and personal resources into this site for no personal gain. The Terms of Service seem to serve the community well even though some things can seem a bit annoying at times.

Bernie Weishapl
06-16-2007, 10:56 PM
John couldn't have said it better.

Jim Becker
06-17-2007, 10:24 AM
Craig, just post the auction number and folks can access ebay to see the burl. SMC does not allow direct links to auctions or other forums.

SMC Moderator

Ron Sardo
06-17-2007, 11:00 AM
Why do the moderators remove links to ebay? I dont own it? Could I say search ebay for these words?

Is this site owned by a company?

I know theres rules and there posted by why links to ebay?

I've wondered this myself. Sometimes I think the mods are a bit too diligent in removing links.

But the bottom line is we are just guests here and and we need to abide by their rules. Theirs is not an easy job. Thanks Mods.

Craig D Peltier
06-17-2007, 11:40 AM
One reason is to keep people from loading up the site with links that are promoting their own auctions. It could get pretty spammy if that started to happen here. Another is that the links have a shelf life and I don't think that The administators want to archive a bunch of useless links.

Usually what people do is to cut and paste the item number into their post then if others would like to see the auction they can cut and paste into the Ebay search box.
No this site is not owned by a company but by The Outtens who generously donate alot of time and personal resources into this site for no personal gain. The Terms of Service seem to serve the community well even though some things can seem a bit annoying at times.

Thanks John, Good explanation, got it now.

Craig D Peltier
06-17-2007, 11:44 AM
Item number: 230142917021 Here it is, its 700-1100 years old.

David Epperson
06-17-2007, 12:04 PM

But this is the picture of it.

Bob Hallowell
06-17-2007, 12:23 PM
Great goobly gloobies! That's a big burl. Mr. Hartley probly has been eyeing that up to try out his new "beauty"


Christopher K. Hartley
06-17-2007, 5:17 PM
Great goobly gloobies! That's a big burl. Mr. Hartley probly has been eyeing that up to try out his new "beauty"

BobHey, I said I had a Robust not a VB-36. But I could sure cut it in half.:D