View Full Version : Why do I need a compressor?

Burt Alcantara
06-15-2007, 8:42 AM
I could use a compressor to blow out my DC filters and chucks. If I bought a big one I could use it for vacuum chucking. However, I've gotten by without one for the past 2 years. My filters are fine and I've heard from others that they haven't had the need to blow them after 3-4 years.

My chuck could use a little air but it works fine. For a vacuum, I'm leaning toward the $90 Gast. More expensive but smaller and quieter.

Reason I'm asking is I have a tendency to not think tool purchases through and find myself thinking, "dang, why didn't I get the === instead," or "I shudda bought the more expensive one over this piece of %$#@."

For what I could use now, a small compressor would work fine. But I may not be seeing the day when I'll need some air tool that the small guy can't handle. When I'm in a box store I look at the air tools and try to imagine what I could use them for. Always come up blank.


Mike Ramsey
06-15-2007, 8:50 AM
What I use an air comp for:
1. Air up lawn tractor tires
2. Big tractor tires
3. Car & truck tires
4. Sometimes feel like using air tools
5. Blow out the shop
6. Blow dust off clothes before going into house
7. Blow out chuck, spendle, tail stock, ways, etc
I could go on & on!
But if you can't figure out why you need one then probably you dont.

Frank Kobilsek
06-15-2007, 8:52 AM
You have thought this one thru just fine. I have the little $80 unit which gets used for blowing out voids for inlay and clearing the inside of hollow forms. Plus it is used for inflating tires and other homeowner jobs. There is no need for a big air compressor for most turners.
My $.02 worth.

Bernie Weishapl
06-15-2007, 10:03 AM
Ditto what Frank said. You can get by one of the small twin tank units just fine.

Christopher K. Hartley
06-15-2007, 5:21 PM
I have a small portable compressor unit that I use quite a bit in the shop. Aside from the other non fun things(non wood turning related), I use it when cleaning the shop, lathe and other tools, blowing out the chuck and air blast between sanding grits and when doing HF's, bowls and such. I wouldn't want to be without it. I also have pneumatic tools I use with it.:)

Bill Wyko
06-16-2007, 2:09 PM
An air shower is mandatory before I go in the house around. For me it would be like asking "do I need thumbs?" you can live with out them but they sure are handy.:eek: :D

Burt Alcantara
06-17-2007, 9:45 AM
Any recommendations on brands? Seems like there are hundreds to choose from. And what about CFM? About the only tool I can think of at the moment is possibly getting into air brushing but that's a nice-to-have not a need-to-have.

I like the idea of an air shower. Wife has been joking a lot about the dust piles the cats leave around the house, although I don't think I can give them the shower.

Doug Shepard
06-17-2007, 9:55 AM
What I use an air comp for:
1. Air up lawn tractor tires
2. Big tractor tires
3. Car & truck tires
4. Sometimes feel like using air tools
5. Blow out the shop
6. Blow dust off clothes before going into house
7. Blow out chuck, spendle, tail stock, ways, etc
I could go on & on!
But if you can't figure out why you need one then probably you dont.

Mike already thought of all my list, except:
8. The dog gets a kick out of biting at the airstream coming out of the blower nozzle.:D

Matthew Barrett
06-17-2007, 10:53 AM
Porter Cable makes a great one you can buy at the Depot with nail guns for $300. One of the best things I have done. Comes in handy on a remodel job in the house as well.