View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's" Fathers Day Edition

Karl Laustrup
06-15-2007, 6:31 AM
Friday June 15th, 2007

Well, another week has flown by. It's been hot and dry in these parts. While not official temps, I've recorded 90+ degrees for the last three days and there doesn't look to be any change until Monday. Last rain was only about 1/2 inch on the 4th. I am spending my days trying to keep the lawn from burning up.

Not a whole lot on my agenda except to stay cool and keep watering the grass. Oh yeah, have to watch the Michigan race and also the U.S. Open. The Open is promising to be an extremely tough test of who has the best survival instincts.

So what's on the platter for you this weekend? For all you Dad's I hope you can enjoy whatever you want for the day.

Whatever it may be, make it fun and above all SAFE.


Glenn Clabo
06-15-2007, 6:42 AM
The Open will be on in the house all weekend... A little yardwork... Bathroom trim work... Put the new grill together and cook me a huge porterhouse...church...brunch...CVS Classic on Monday. Hopefully spend some time with the son on the webcam.

Jack Ganssle
06-15-2007, 7:43 AM
Our Prius got rear-ended this week and is in the shop. The rental company ran out of cars... so they gave us a big-honkin' 4x4 crew-cab pickup truck! So I'm thinking about a trip to Hollister's Sawmill in PA for some wood Saturday morning.

$56 to fill the truck. Ouch.

I ordered a PC 4212 dovetail jig that should arrive today, so hope to spend a little time over the weekend playing with that.

#2 son, home from the U of New Orleans for the summer, says he's going to the beach so we may have a little time to ourselves.


Matt Meiser
06-15-2007, 7:54 AM
Tomorrow is SWMBO's family reunion--at our house, my brother is coming into town so it is going to be a busy weekend. I do plan to order all the hardware for my master bath cabinetry today.

Kyle Kraft
06-15-2007, 9:00 AM
Work at the pill mill Sat. and Sun. with a get-together with my side of the family Sun afternoon. Burgers & tube steaks on the grill, assorted picnic style goodies. I'll be thinking of some eloquent text to write on SMC Tuesday with some attempts at posting pics. Upcoming gloat?:rolleyes:

Ken Fitzgerald
06-15-2007, 9:14 AM
I'm on call this week. Granddaughter getting married in Vancouver Saturday. SWMBO is going to the wedding. I can't go as I'm on call. Me, the house, the shop, 11 couch legs left to turn, the honey-do list......

Jim O'Dell
06-15-2007, 9:14 AM
I want to finish the sprinkler pump stand. I've worked for an hour or so each evening this week, and have the inlet pipe from the creek to finish up the pump part. cut 3 pieces of pipe to length (less than 10' total) and cement 6 joints. Then I can screen the cover, and shingle the roof and I'll be done. But it's trying to rain, possibly all weekend, so we'll see if I can get this done or if I'll be rained out. Jim.

Grant Davis
06-15-2007, 9:17 AM
I am taking my new Jet JJ6CSX jointer home this afternoon. My mom, my sister and my daughters all pitched in and got it for me for Father's Day. Other than that, just spending it with my kids and maybe getting a little shop time.

Al Willits
06-15-2007, 9:22 AM
Like Karl, temps here are in the 90's and expected to stay that way for a bit, so Sat is off to look for brick molding for the window I finally got installed last weekend, and maybe a nice lunch somewhere...that has A/C..:)
Sat afternoon is shop time but with the heat I'll probably not get much done on the storage cabinet, but I'll give it a shot.

Sunday I volunteered to work, hard to pass up double time when a drum sander and boat is on the wish list, and after work probably just do a bit of grilling and relaxing.

Stay safe and well.


Byron Trantham
06-15-2007, 9:25 AM
I will be finishing up the last of the top coat of my latest project AND I will get my new Wixey angle gage.:)

Note: to Jim Becker - That's why there were no pictures, SWMBO wouldn't let me have it until this weekend.:mad:

Larry Fox
06-15-2007, 9:27 AM
Current project has 14 drawers and I did the first two last night and hope to finish up the rest of them this weekend. Other than that, some yard work and time with my kids and my dad for father's day.

Jim Becker
06-15-2007, 9:31 AM
Busy weekend...the last YMCA duty of the season for swimming and karate on Saturday afternoon, dinner with a couple 'Creekers and spouses Saturday night, and probably a run to Tabby's Place (http://www.tabbysplace.org/) so the girls can visit with the kitty they are sponsoring on Sunday. Maybe a few minutes in the shop...I don't know.

Dave Sinkus
06-15-2007, 9:59 AM
Going to get me some cherry wood ! The 'lumber run to Chicago' pickup is tomorrow morning-- wooo hooo ( I think that is my first gloat here) :D . After that figuring out how to store it in the garage, I'll be applying final touches to a rough cedar project (painting the trim on house), put the seats back in the SWMBO's '72 Mustang so we can drive to a car show Sunday.

Happy Father's Day to all.

Greg Cole
06-15-2007, 10:25 AM
I will NOT be moving sand nor brick for the first time in 3 weekends!!! :D :D :D The patio is done... so will be spending the weekend staining the railings and privacy screen panels on the new deck.
Hopefully I can get 2 coats on over Sat & Sunday.. supposed to be in the 90's so it'll be a good warm weekend for being outside.
Not alot for Fathers Day on the agenda since we live about 1500 miles from our respective families.....:o



Bob Reeve
06-15-2007, 10:38 AM
I have the honor of moving my parents back to our town this weekend. I am excited to have them close after 20 years of them moving around the states. They are in their eighties and have decided it is time to settle down. I hope also to get some time on Sunday to sand some more on a tool chest I am working on and having some alone time with my wife.

Bert Johansen
06-15-2007, 11:22 AM
Latest project will come out of the clamps in a few minutes, and after touch-up I'll add a final clear coat. This is a prototype made with poplar frames and plywood for the box. (There are center shelves, although they aren't easily seen black-on-black.) The final version will have maple frames and possibly bamboo for the carcase. Haven't decided yet.

Nate Folco
06-15-2007, 11:40 AM
Enjoying my son's first birthday. Yes I had a very good Father's Day last year.

John Myer
06-15-2007, 2:08 PM
I purchased a used DeWalt DW746 table saw last week and may spend a little time on Saturday checking adjustments and installing a new blade. Grandkids are in town, so visitng and playing with them takes a priority.

Chris Cobb
06-15-2007, 2:09 PM
Not certain what I'm doing. I am working on modifying a cedar bridge to go over a drainage area in the side yard (a variant of the one in Wood a couple of years ago - with the curved laminated beams).

In terms of shop work - I am spending time calibrating / tuning tools this weekend. Hopefully, I'll be ready to tackle the next project soon!

Justin McCurdy
06-15-2007, 3:09 PM
Hopefully this a shop and drum weekend. I plan or working out in the shop on a chess board in the mornings and evenings while it is cooler and spending time in the basement playing the drums and playing pool...That is unless child #2 decides to make an appearance this weekend. I really hope she waits considering we are supposed to have really nice weather this weekend. Now, If I could only find someone locally that would not mind letting me use their bandsaw to do some resawing for the chess board.

Enjoy father's day everyone.

Jim Grill
06-15-2007, 3:18 PM
I took the advice of some fellow 'Creekers to get my shop organized after moving several months ago. Thanks to everyone who participated in that post. I took inventory and started moving things to one side of the room. I'm hoping to build another work table and hang all the DC ducting tonight and tomorrow.

I'll be lucky to get half that done :-) It sure feels good to have some direction.

Nancy Laird
06-15-2007, 4:56 PM
This is my FIRST Friday off in my countdown, so my weekend started last night. As of right now, we have TWELVE laser orders on the hook, so I know what I'm going to be doing all weekend!

Happy Father's Day, all you dads out there. Where would we be without you?


Fred Voorhees
06-15-2007, 7:45 PM
Well, plan on being in the shop tomorrow (Sat) at least for a number of hours. Have started the current project which is a television armoire for the 37" LCD flat screen TV that I purchased a few weeks back. My youngest brother called an hour ago and he said that he might come up this weekend and that could change plans around some for both Saturday and Sunday. I had planned on hitting the dirt track stock car races since I had volunteered to coordinate a special congregation of veteran/retired dirt track stars from the past for a type of "legends night". My bro might like to come along for the nights action. He's bringing up his boat and he wants to do some fishing. That could mean another Sunday morning float like myself and a buddy did last Sunday morn. Sunday afternoon will find the usual activity of the guys coming over to watch the NASCAR race in the bar room. Hey.....that's what I built the darned thing for:eek:

Al Killian
06-16-2007, 1:35 AM
I will be playing with my new CMT dovetail jig. I have a drawer that I have to make for a freinds night stand. Then it will be onto makeing a new bench from 2x4's with plenty of drawers in it. Maybe work on the front flowerbed if time permits.

Ned Bulken
06-16-2007, 5:48 AM
In about two hours, I'm going to go pick up some last minute items, then start Building My SHOP!
excited, me? nah, what makes you think that? hmmmm?