View Full Version : Cypress as a turning wood?

Duffy Poindexter
06-13-2007, 7:19 PM
To all you experienced turners out there.......

Have any of you ever tried working with cypress. Living in SC (and having a brother in the timber business) I have plenty of access to this locally plentiful wood. It drew my attention after I made a fireplace mantel from a huge rough-hewn piece that was very green and wet. What amazed me was that the stuff never checked or split. To finish it we just slapped on a few coats of poly and let her be. No splitting, twisting or bowing. Made me think that it might make an interesting turning wood.

What do you think? I'm just a newbie and was curious.

Let the wood chips fly,

Kaptan J.W. Meek
06-13-2007, 8:35 PM
I turned a small bowl from cypress, and some salt shakers, but the wood was fairly dry.. It was fine to work with.. I gave the bowl away almost immediatly, so, sorry no pics.. but with just some minwax wipe on poly it looked pretty good.. at the time I was kinda experimenting with "wet sanding" but I've abandoned that line of thought.. It was a good turning wood..

Bonnie Campbell
06-14-2007, 7:44 AM
I've used it making pot turkey calls. I liked the way it turned. I did use dried stuff though...

Glenn Hodges
06-14-2007, 10:42 AM
Duffy, I had access to some 20 inches plus red heart cypress stumps. I turned a lot of cypress, sold all of it. Finished it with tung oil solution.

06-14-2007, 12:27 PM
Hey if you don't want it, send it to Texas. We don't have trees here! So we import all we can!!:D Just kidding, but if you get a couple of knees I would be interested in having some shipped to me. I have seen a few things either carved or turned out of it and the golden color is exquisite! Takes a fine polish. Don't know how easy it is to do it, but still verrrrryyyyyyy nice!