View Full Version : Almost Ready

Sam Starr
06-12-2007, 1:23 AM
Hi everyone,
Well I spent about 600 today I think I have everything to start turning pens except the Harbor Freight set of turning tools will pick them up tomorrow. Now if you folks will be so kind as to give me some information on finishing the pens. I am interested in something that holds up really really well. I cant hardley wait:D ;)

Ron Raymond
06-12-2007, 8:26 AM
Russ Fairfield has tons of great info on his website...not just finishing but every step of penmaking.
www.woodturnerruss.com/Pens.html (http://www.woodturnerruss.com/Pens.html)

Bob Hallowell
06-12-2007, 8:32 AM
here in Pa I have found in the summer that thin ca works best. I just use a rolled up paper towel and run the ca down the blank. In the winter it is harder here as it does dry as fast and leaves streaks so I use the think ca and blo method.

after the ca is on I use 4000 grit and hight Micro mesh to finish it off.


Tim Brooks
06-12-2007, 8:35 AM
I use boiled linseed oil (BLO) and CA glue. There are some pretty good friction polishes out there; however, it is my understanding they do not hold up too well. I still consider myself a beginner but to date that has been my best finish. There is a pretty good video by Russ Fairfield that will give you all the specifics. Do a search here and on Google. Here is a good start:


That is my two cents... Good luck with the vortex. I'm enjoying it.:D

Frank Kobilsek
06-12-2007, 2:07 PM
Here is my finish but last night I saw a demo of the CA/BLO finish by Ketih Zimmerman that visits here occassionally and was impressed. I need to try it.

Sand to 600

generously coat with Deft brushing laquer - thinned. brunish dry with paper towel

Polish with EEE, a tripoly compound. Use per directions

Mylands Friction polish, per directions

Coat of paste wax, Trewax or Briwax are good, let dry and buff with paper towel.

Assemble pen

Renaisance Wax the whole assembly per instructions.

Enjoy pen turning. Your freinds and Family will love the gifts.


Matt Haus
06-12-2007, 2:27 PM
Sand to 600. BLO then Ca then CA with BLO to smooth the CA. 3 applications total. Do a search on this for full instructions.

I use the Beal white diamond to buff to a shine.