View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-11-2007, 9:52 AM
Good Morning and welcome to 11 June 2007

I finished up my week of oncall duty for the day job and it was what it was.

The only woodworking I've done lately is rough out 2 bowls from some Sycamore that I picked up earlier. It's been so busy around here that I just remembered that I have two bowl still soaking in the Denatured Alcohol bath. Needless to say, those will come out of the bath today.

I'm working on the oval kitchen table project...still. I am hoping to make some good progress on that this week.

I'm working on two seperate wine racks for a friend of mine. We had to work through many undersized dado's because the plywood he picked up varied greatly in thickness...so it was like custom fitting every single piece. He got the plywood from a local HD store. Now he says that he'll never get wood from there again.

Got some rain yesterday, and we needed it. Our garden is doing rather well, and I'm just really, really happy to be done with oncall duty. Now, I'm a free man. :D

So......what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
06-11-2007, 10:07 AM
As predicted...landscaping work consumed my weekend. The only shop time I got was when I went in there to get some hearing protection. I will likely have another weekend of the same work before I get it completed, but it needs done. There will be more of this to do after that, but it will have to wait until I take some vacation days...I need back in the shop!

Nancy Laird
06-11-2007, 10:13 AM
Mostly played! For the first time in several weeks, we didn't have any jobs on the hook, so we did piddly chores and repairs around the house, rested, I got my acrylic clocks assembled, and David has a chunk of black walnut on the lathe roughed out and partially hollowed. It was a restful weekend for us, which we sorely needed. Back into the fray this morning!! But....I'm down to working 4-day weeks now, through the summer and into September, then to 3-day weeks. D-Day is December 21!! Whoopee!!


Tyler Howell
06-11-2007, 10:25 AM
Hey Dennis,
Got about three naps in. 2 on Sat and 1 Sun.
Had to get a Massage, mani and pedi.:rolleyes: . Pretty rough after wandering in the desert for a few days.
Did touch base with family and wade through knee deep junk mail.
Tried to stay cool.

Bill White
06-11-2007, 10:39 AM
Well, I now know what it's like to use a bunch of rough sawn, non-stickered black walnut. It was a gift from a neighbor, and I will use some of it as a top on a "server" in our new home.
Break down the stack, pick what I think will work, belt sand 30 yrs. of crud so I can at least see which can be the top or bottom of the board, chalk line for a straight edge, re-stack the pile.
Ain't lookin' the gift horse in the mouth, but it sure makes one appreciate the efforts from the past.
If the wood had been stickered for drying it would have made a big difference, but I think I will have some super wood to work with when all is done.

Don Bullock
06-11-2007, 11:15 AM
I finally got a weekend with no dog shows. Saturday was planned as a shop day, but as always happens some of it got taken up with other things. My wife wanted me to refurbish the watherfall I made several years ago out of barrels, while I was out getting some brackets for my mantle project I found what I needed for the waterfall, so tearing out the old waterfall, taking all the dog crates and show equipment out of the van so that I could get the barrels home, and going back to the store to get the barrels became an added project for Saturday that I haden't planned on. I did manage to tear into my mantle project and discover what was behind the paneling above the fireplace to see if there was any frameing that I could attach the brackets for my 6/4 oak mantle to. It turned out, as I had suspected, that I had to get some wood to add to the framing, so another trip to the store was in order.

Sunday was planned around the NASCAR race. Yes, I really enjoy watching the races. As it turned out the race was delayed and and ended up being cut short due to rain. That gave me the time on Sunday for my mantle project that I didn't get on Saturday. I'm very excited about how my mantle project is coming and the amount of work I got done on it this weekend. No, it's not close to being ready for pictures yet, but I'll post some when I'm finished.

Hank Knight
06-11-2007, 11:44 AM
One of my neighbors reluctantly asked me last week if I would do a "woodworking favor" for her. Sure, I said, what is it?

The favor involved an old cloisonne table lamp that had belonged to her grandmother. It had an intricately carved mahogany base with two broken ogee-shaped feet. Can you fix it? I don't know, but I think I can. Bring it over.

The lamp arrived Friday evening. A couple of pieces of scrap mahogany, some glue, a little woodcarving effort (I can't claim "expertise" here, but the effort was adequate), some sandpaper, shellac and wax. Voila! Sunday afternoon it was as good as new. I surprised myself with how well it turned out.

I noticed that the lamp's basic design element was the tsuba shape, so I copied some of my Greene and Greene literature on the Japanese Sword hilt design motif for her.

She was estatic. She'd had treasured the lamp for years but had never been able to use it. Now it occupies a prominent place of honor in her living room and she has a new appreciation for it's interesting design. No charge, the smile on her face was payment enough.


Brian Penning
06-11-2007, 12:05 PM
I...uh...found a new method of rustproofing my DC unit....yeah, that's it! New rustproofing method. Just suck up a can of Topcote...sigh

Don Orr
06-11-2007, 12:14 PM
Brian-that's funny! Hope it didn't cause much damage.

I spent Sat at the Violet Festival in Dolgeville, NY with our turning club. Had 2 mini lathes set up for demo, and a display table and a sale table. I sold a few things and made my gas and lunch money. Had a great time and got some new members.

Sunday was cutting grass and string trimming the yard and a few small jobs around the house til it rained.

Jim O'Dell
06-11-2007, 12:22 PM
Don, don't you just love tearing everything out to do "normal" things with the van? :D I've got a platform in both of our vans. LOML's Caravan holds 2 crates, My E-250 extended holds 5. Both raised up and storage for crates, totes, and tables underneath.
I wore myself out Sat. setting the "legs" for the sprinkler stand in concrete. Then spent a few hours in the shop, and repaired the mower and mowed the lawn. Sunday, did Rescue dog duty since LOML was at her music convention. Ended up having to go after the dog at 9:00 last night.
Got the contactor and 220 wiring set up for the sprinkler pump, and wired in. Extended the pick up line so it is further into the creek, have one more connection there to make but need another set of hands. Then the final hookup to the pump, and the output piped in to the existing pipe. Then I need to run some conduit for the trigger wire, just have to figure out a good way to keep ants out of it and crawling up to the contactor (the wire is just burried alongside the pipe) again! :eek: Will probably use a cap on the end and drill 2 holes for a tight fit, then silicone it good. HOPEFULLY I can finish this next weekend! Jim.

Al Willits
06-11-2007, 1:43 PM
I'm sitting at my desk thanking whatever power is popular that I'm sitting at my desk....and not moving. :)

I spent the weekend installing one window and frame, first time for me and I've stood on a ladder about all I can for awhile, plus the window being on the south side of the house and the house being white, has left me a tired and sore puppy.
But the window is in and that's what counts, I still have the trim to do but after fighting with the framing around the window, and getting the window in and straight, I'll at least be able to take my time with that.

I just hope I don't spend two days on the next window, would like to get the 4 or 5 hour job down to at least 12.

But there was a silver lining to all this, Beasty came out while I was making cutting a board for the frame and mentioned it was good I had all these tools to make the job go better.

Oughta make the next trip to Rockler a bit easier....:D

Al.....who didn't clean nuttin' but his self this weekend...and didn't care.

Greg Cole
06-11-2007, 1:50 PM
Well, as advertised in the Friday edition of this thread, I FINISHED the prick paver patio project. Friday night I picked up the last 1/2 pallet of brick and lugged them around the house... I even managed to set about 1/2 of them Friday night. Saturday early afternoon I was sweeping sand with one arm and having a celebratory beer in the other. Ok, I had more than one celebrating the END of the heavy hauling.
I still need to finish up the decorative touches on the deck and add lattice to the top of the privacy panels on both sides. As soon as those last few details find their way to the "done list" I will be staining all PT wood white.
Obligatory pics.... FYI, the bench on the patio is left over from the old deck and won't stay put, but I needed to get it off the grass....
Lastly, I have A TON of respect for ANYONE who's either done a patio like this or say the poor souls who laid all the streets of Boston!!!


Glenn Clabo
06-11-2007, 5:00 PM
Got the pot mounted...at least.

Jim Becker
06-11-2007, 5:22 PM
Umm....Glen...you need to do some shirt shopping at Duluth Trading (http://www.duluthtrading.com/store/department/mens/mens2/mens_shirts/95587.aspx?feature=Product_22)... ;)

Glenn Clabo
06-11-2007, 5:32 PM
Hey...how can you do plumbing with a shirt you can tuck in???

Nancy Laird
06-11-2007, 5:37 PM
Sorta reminds me of the guy I saw working on some water lines on Friday, with his pants over halfway down his buttocks, to the point that one could almost see the family jewels. I pulled over and yelled at him to pull up his pants!!! I think--I hope--he was embarassed.


Glenn Clabo
06-11-2007, 5:54 PM
Well now Nancy...I can assure you that all my "parts" were far from being exposed. Next time I send pictures I'll be wearing my submariners p-suit.

Nancy Laird
06-11-2007, 6:01 PM
Now, Glenn, I wasn't accusing YOU of having your parts exposed---just the guy on the side of the street. I have every confidence that YOU wouldn't let things get that low!!:D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Keith Beck
06-12-2007, 10:10 AM
No woodworking, but we spent most of a day cleaning out our closets and the computer room getting rid of old clothes and computer programs. I thought I made a pretty good dent in my collection of clothes, but my wife really impressed me. It's usually pretty hard to get her to get rid of clothes she doesn't wear anymore, but she really went to town! She had clothes in there that she had before we got married and we've been together for 19 years!:eek: I can't even recognize her closet now. I guess now she'll be looking to fill it back up with new clothes. :(

As for some of the software, I found that I had reading comprehension programs that I had picked up when my son was learning to read -- he's now 16! This was a spring cleaning that was way over due. Now time for a yard sale!


Bill Wyko
06-12-2007, 1:50 PM
I finished the exterior of my workshop finally. I'll post pics tomorrow. I finally got to do some turning last night too.:D