View Full Version : Getting banded from this board

Alan Tolchinsky
06-08-2007, 5:18 PM
Recently I've read posts by an individual here that are very uncreek like. He's just a neardowell who's looking for trouble. Why can't we ban him and keep this the nice place that it is. All you have to do is read some of his posts and you can tell he has no interest in friendly conversation and ww'ing. Enough is enough with this guy. What do you think?

06-08-2007, 5:25 PM
I'm More Of A Reader Than Poster; However, The One You Are Talking About Has Been Extremely Busy Today With Nothing Positive To Add. I Agree Fully.

Rob Bodenschatz
06-08-2007, 5:25 PM
Yup. He's gotta go. I've already asked the mods to do so.

Cliff Rohrabacher
06-08-2007, 5:28 PM
Recently I've read posts by an individual here that are very uncreek like. He's just a neardowell who's looking for trouble. Why can't we ban him and keep this the nice place that it is. All you have to do is read some of his posts and you can tell he has no interest in friendly conversation and ww'ing. Enough is enough with this guy. What do you think?

I think you better stop talking about me.
Or I'm telling~!!

Actually Alan I haven't seen conduct such as you describe.

Oh gee Maybe it is me~!!

Grant Davis
06-08-2007, 5:31 PM
The guy in question is posting on two other forums that I know of. I have been tracking his posts and he is getting even more bold with his comments.

John Ricci
06-08-2007, 5:34 PM
Wow, I've never seen this type of action proposed here before...leave the house and don't check in for a day and you miss everything. What happened:confused:? Anyone care to tell me by way of PM in the name of discretion???


Cliff Rohrabacher
06-08-2007, 5:38 PM
Now I see.
I just did a find all post by [name omitted]

Yup he's a nasty rascal. Un-kind un-pleasant flippant and tosses negative stuff around where it's only hurtful.

Tim Morton
06-08-2007, 5:40 PM
I PM'd the guy after he made a VERY inapropriate post in Dale's thread...no response from the jerk.

Also as i was driving home today i saw 3 kids driving in front of me and they threw a bag of trash out the window.:mad: :mad: I was SO PO'd. I followed them home and when I got out of my truck and the kid was all like "whats your problem dude"...i said i had no problem....i just wanted to see where they lived so i knew where to dump my trash from now on...and i drove away.

IOW...we are not alone in this world and some people are not like us. sucks but its true.:( :(

Jamie Buxton
06-08-2007, 5:51 PM
You can do your own personal version of banning. On your User's Control Panel, there is an Ignore list. Add your nemesis to your list and you'll never hear from him again.

Aaron Hamilton
06-08-2007, 6:05 PM
I assume I speak of the same individual as you all (initials are J. K.)? If so...I totally agree. I always notice his posts when reading through the threads because he's ridiculously negative and never has anything positive or constructive to say. I am still fairly new to the forum, but I have learned so much here. He just taints every thread he posts on. Haven't seen anything else on the Creek quite like it.

I'm on board with banning (if I even get a vote?) :o

Alan Tolchinsky
06-08-2007, 6:08 PM
Thanks, I just wanted to see if anybody else felt the same way about this guy. I couldn't believe I was reading those kinds of remarks here!

Here's the reason I asked in the first place: I like the respect everybody gives to one another here at the Creek and the friendly general demeanor here . I want to keep it that way. We are very distinctive in this trait as a lot of you know. Just look at a lot of other boards where you see name calling, negativity and mostly immaturity. Do we want to tolerate that here? I hope not. We shouldn't allow one rotten apple to taint our creek. Just my opinion of course.

Anthony Anderson
06-08-2007, 6:10 PM
Tim, same thing happened to me the other day, two early 20s people driving a car. The passenger threw a fast food bag out of the window. Okay maybe she didn't intend to do that (benefit of the doubt and all that you know) then again a napkin comes flying out the window, and again something else. I was not a happy camper. People too lazy to find a trash can, and people who are too lazy to walk 30 extra feet to the store, so they park in a handicapped parking spot or hold up everyone behind them waiting on the person to back out of a parking spot that is 5 feet closer. And I am not sure, but it didn't seem to be like this 20 years ago, and I am not that old yet. I don't want to sound like my parents, but, MAN, KIDS THESE DAYS. I have not read any of the referred to posts, but I would say that it is some kid(s) trying to get a laugh, at the expense of the integrity of our forum. Regards, Bill

I PM'd the guy after he made a VERY inapropriate post in Dale's thread...no response from the jerk.

Also as i was driving home today i saw 3 kids driving in front of me and they threw a bag of trash out the window.:mad: :mad: I was SO PO'd. I followed them home and when I got out of my truck and the kid was all like "whats your problem dude"...i said i had no problem....i just wanted to see where they lived so i knew where to dump my trash from now on...and i drove away.

IOW...we are not alone in this world and some people are not like us. sucks but its true.:( :(

Anthony Anderson
06-08-2007, 6:14 PM
IIRC, this happened about two months ago, could be longer as I am getting old. I believe Keith stepped in and took care of the problem. I would guess that it may be the same person under a different name. Bill

Bill Wyko
06-08-2007, 6:31 PM
Who is it? Lemme attem.:D I haven't seen any posts yet that are out of order but I will say that anyone that doesn't see this forum as a great opportunity to make great friends and acquire an immense amount of knowledge has got to be the most foolish child on the block. I've always said "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.":p Sounds to me like he's completly unarmed.

Pat Zabrocki
06-08-2007, 6:44 PM
Can't agree more with all thats been said. This is a good place to exercise the the old saying "if you can't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything".

Jim Becker
06-08-2007, 6:54 PM
Folks, please let the moderators handle things and not debate an individual in public which is also a TOS violation. Click on the "exclamation point" on any post you feel an issue with relative to our rules to notify the moderators directly. This thread is now closed to further posting.

SMC Moderators.