View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
06-08-2007, 6:26 AM
Friday June 8th, 2007

Well, another week has slipped by. It's been a strange week weather wise. Windy, cool, sunny and finishing yesterday with 80+ degrees and cut through the air humidity. Strong storms north and south of us, but nothing here. Now the weather is supposed to be fairly nice for a few days.

I'm going to see if an idea I had regarding hanging things on a wall will work. I also need to clean up the shop/garage so I can do some work. Also, have to catch the Pocono race. It's always a good one.

With summer just around the corner, what's on the "to do" list for you?
Good, bad, fun, not fun. Let's hear what you're up to for this weekend.

Whatever it may be, make the most of it and be SAFE.


Terry Hatfield
06-08-2007, 9:04 AM
Well, since the remodel is completeish...I don't know zakly what to do with myself. Guess I'll work in the garden a bit and take a nap. :D

Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!!!


Dennis Peacock
06-08-2007, 9:14 AM
Howdy Karl,

Well, I'm oncall this week and weekend........so we all know that I won't be doin' nuttin' until Monday of next week.

Storms on the way today....so everyone be safe and have a great weekend.

Jim Becker
06-08-2007, 9:16 AM
Terry...remember that building in your back yard? The one with all those tools and so forth? Spend some time in it!! :D :D :D

Which I may get to do a little this weekend, myself, although I still have a lot of landscaping work to do. This is Professor Dr. SWMBO's week to do the YMCA swimming and karate duty, so I at least have a full two days to do whatever I end up doing. If I do get in the shop, I want to continue a little side project of building a parallel ripping jig for the slider and then get back to work on the master bath vanities.

I also need to get all my "stuff" back in the Highlander Hybrid. The repairs were finally completed earlier in the week and I picked it up after arriving home from St Paul on Tuesday afternoon. It's sure nice to have my beloved vehicle back...a month in a PT Cruiser wasn't my idea of automotive bliss. (So I land at MSP on Monday and guess what Hertz gives me...another Cruiser...:o) Oh, and the good news is that the last guy in the chain reaction is getting the liability, so I'll be getting my deductible back at some point.)

Matt Meiser
06-08-2007, 9:19 AM
Since I was up until 4AM dealing with a problem at work, I think I'll get an early start to the weekend by taking a nap this afternoon. Other than that, the first priority will be getting ready for LOML's family reunion next weekend which we are hosting. I also need to get the shop cleaned up so that when I get my EZ upgrade parts back from Dino, I can get going on the master bath cabinets.

Tyler Howell
06-08-2007, 9:28 AM
Hey Karl,
Had to come back to work to get some rest:D
Still recovering from vacation.
Plowing through paper work at home and at work.
Hope to get some of my to-do projects done. Want to put the house on the market next spring and I'm way behind schedule.
You gotta check out Lake Powell Buddy.
It is awesome.
Have a safe weekend.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-08-2007, 9:36 AM
Saturday......Going to a 50th wedding anniversary celebration of some dear friends. Larry and Sandy I met through some fellow joggers. I elk hunted with them for nearly 20 years. Larry's health is such, I'll be surprised if they are able to celebrate their 51st year together. All of our elk hunting buddies are going...Sandy was our elk camp cook....she took vacation from her job just to cook for us in camp.......

Sunday....I've only got 12 more oak couch legs to turn for my little brother........Dry oak is hard!

BTW Tyler.....when I was a kid living in Blanding UT......Lake Powell was Glen Canyon.......

Jim O'Dell
06-08-2007, 9:40 AM
Well, if the threatening rains today don't wash me out, I have a little house on stilts to install by the creek for the sprinkler pump. 50/50 chance of rain today, and some tomorrow morning. While the concrete dries on the legs, if I get to do it, I'll go back to the second half of the shop multistation bench. I cut the last sets of stands out last night, now I need to glue and screw those 6 sets up.
All this will have to be done around keeping the 7 dogs happy. LOML is at her music convention until midnight Sunday, so I've got dog duty as my primary event for the weekend! Jim.

Nancy Laird
06-08-2007, 9:50 AM
Absolutely no laser jobs on the hook for this weekend. So....I may get in a little lathe time--maybe start another bowl?? LOML may have to go to Santa Fe tomorrow, so I'll stay home and rest. It's been a busy three weeks. And....today is the very last Friday at my job; starting next week I'll be working only 4 days a week. Counting down--28 weeks until I'm sprung.


Greg Cole
06-08-2007, 10:59 AM
One more load of brick to go for my ongoing deck-patio project. Then again I said that about the sand, gravel... and now bricks.:cool:
At least I am getting my exercise... or as Jim said yesterday about me paying $0.00 for labor....."you do pay for it". Working on another sweat equity deposit for the bank I guess.
If I can get the brick home after work, I'll set it in the morning-early afternoon & get the joints filled by dinner.
IF IF IF, the above happens, it will be Sunday of fishing with the kid. He's hooked now that he can pretty much bait his own hook, cast his own pole and do everything he sees me do. He caught his first fish solo this week.... until I bought a house, got married and child... fishing was MY LIFE. I've gotten away from fishing (even left my boat in Vermont when I moved).... a couple hours with a child and the excitement he showed got me thinking I need to reprioritize a little. Bricks aren't going anywhere, the shop will still be in the garage when I get home... but my "best buddy ever" won't always be 5 and jumping for joy over 5" blue gills. :rolleyes:

Al Willits
06-08-2007, 11:40 AM
Gonna finally try and install one of the two windows we got for the kitchen, needs frame and all so it won't be just a slide in, ought to be interesting as I've never installed a window before...wish me luck...:)

Sunday will be spent trying to recover the cabinet doors on the storage cabinet, guy at Rockler must have misunderstood me and gave me half over lay hinges and I needed full, missed it and thought I was doing something wrong so I tried to make these work, nope, won't work and doors are to narrow to be half overlay and look good....seems I have a design change opportunity here, wish me luck on this too while your at it...

And a bit of the required cleaning and maybe 18 holes of golf sunday if I get fustrated enough..

Be safe, be well.


Justin McCurdy
06-08-2007, 2:00 PM
Sunday I need to pick up 50bf of some "cross your fingers" gorgeous birdseye maple. The best part of it is, I have no idea what I am going to do with it. Saturday I will need to catch up on some grass cutting and garden trimming. Hopefully I will finally be able to mount my Srius antenna for the garage and free up the floor space where the cable is running now. Besides that, maybe I will get to catch up on some sitting around time on the front porch sippin on some Arnold Palmer's. I guess that is the country version of the rap song Gin and Juice.

Have a good weekend everyone.

James Manning
06-08-2007, 2:36 PM
I will be helping a neighbor put down a shallow well for sprinklers, after that it is back to the shop to work on the cabinets. I also have to hang a wall mounted shop fan w/remote, enjoy your weekend and be safe.

Greg Cole
06-08-2007, 3:01 PM
Hey Justin,
I've heard a Kenny Chesney version of Gin n Juice live.......FWIW, the country genre and hip hop make for one odd concoction! LOL

Cheers...... time for a gin & juice for me tonight after I move that last load of darn bricks! :cool:


Rick Gibson
06-08-2007, 3:18 PM
Greg going fishing with your son sounds like a great idea. My son is 35 now but still remembers the times we wandered through the back country looking for trout streams.

I finally finished the bookcase I was building for the church delivered so will get started on a couple cremation urns for my wife and myself. Got no plans to use them for a while yet but will get them done so they are here. One of the guys in one of the Canadian forums posted some pictures of one he did. I liked it and the wife liked it so I am kind of borrowing his idea.

Fred Voorhees
06-08-2007, 3:59 PM
More planning on the next shop project which will be a television armoir for our new Vizio 39" LCD television. I need to take advantage of a limited time special that Rockler sent me in the mail and I'll be putting together an order for the hardware and such. Tomorrow (Sat) night, it will probably be my usual trip to the dirt track stock car races. Sunday morning, it will be an early rise at around 4AM to hit the road North to where we put in in the Delaware River for my first of hopefully a number of river floats, fishing for bass. Once we are home somewhere around noon or thereafter, it will be time to settle in for the weekly watching of the NASCAR Nextel races in the bar room in nice air conditioned comfort. Sunday night is definitely reserved for watching the finale of the Sopranos. Hoping that idiot Janice gets whacked right between the eyes!:D

glenn bradley
06-08-2007, 4:06 PM
I'm leaving work a little early to attend my youngest's high school graduation. Hope to get a few of the pullouts done for LOML's mother's kitchen. Of course the ongoing shop clean up in preparation for some wall and electrical work but that just sorta gets attention between other things.

Terry Hatfield
06-08-2007, 4:56 PM
Terry...remember that building in your back yard? The one with all those tools and so forth? Spend some time in it!! :D :D :D

Well....I just got it claened up real nice like from the 3 month thrash on the house. If I had a dime for every trip I made from the house to the shop during that project I could retire twice over. Seems a shame to mess it all up agian so soon.....'course I do have that master bath door to build... :D


Steve Clardy
06-09-2007, 3:38 PM
Just got back from an auction down the road about five miles.
I was interested in a log splitter. Didn't but it.

But I watched a like new Baldor double shaft 3/4 hp grinder/buffer sell for............................................... ...........................................

$390.00 :eek: :eek: :eek:

Bill Wyko
06-09-2007, 4:34 PM
I'm going to finish the new workshops exterior and clean up all the debris. MABY get all my tools in the shop. Tuesday my electrician starts his part. If I'm really, really lucky, I can get back to some woodwork next weekend. I really need to get to back to woodworking. It's my therapy.:D

Tyler Howell
06-10-2007, 8:55 PM

BTW Tyler.....when I was a kid living in Blanding UT......Lake Powell was Glen Canyon.......
Yah Ken the area is still call Glen Canyon Rec Area...