View Full Version : Finishing Help

Tony De Masi
06-06-2007, 12:01 PM
I have two pieces of cedar that are ready for finish turning but I need some advice of finishing. I understand that some finishes will darken the wood, especially the sap wood, but what can I use that would have the least effect on color change and still give a good finish. I have been banned by the LOML for any further turning of cedar as the aromatics really play havoc with her sinuses..sigh:(


Al Wasser
06-06-2007, 12:59 PM
Not an expert, but I turned a bowl a while back. I used sanding sealer and rattle can laquer. I thought the finish came out pretty good. Once finished the smell is pretty much sealed in. Tell her to stay out of the shop while sturning and brush your clothes of very well before coming back inside

Patrick Taylor
06-06-2007, 1:22 PM
I've found that the "natural" color of Watco Danish oil doesn't change the color of the wood and it's easy to apply. It seems like a good basic finish. I then buff after the oil is dry and sometimes wax with carnuba too (for decorative pieces).

Bernie Weishapl
06-06-2007, 1:25 PM
Tony in my experience so far it has been Deft spray lacquer. It leaves the wood about as natural as you can get.

Tony De Masi
06-06-2007, 1:34 PM
Al, thanks for the info on finishing. Otherwise she rarely comes into the shop, however the shop is in the basement and the A/C just circulates that odor everywhere.
