View Full Version : what finish to use over leather dye?

sol ramos
06-04-2007, 11:13 AM

ive dye'd most of my oak pooltable parts with a black leather shoe dye, like some on the forum told me, and it looks amazing.

now a friend who lets me use his space, told me there will be no finish that will grip on the shoe dye that he knows off.

Does anyone know wich finish will grip and seal the dye, and that is strong enough to resist dents from cuesticks, etc.

here is the picture of the black oak.


:D at least it looks GREATH but i really would like a finish over it.
Ill check tonight at home what are the components of the shoe dye i used so that u have all the info u need to help me.

David Epperson
06-04-2007, 11:21 AM
There are quite a lot of people who have used alcohol based dyes for leather to tint riflestocks and have had no problem finishing them. Or is this a wax based polish? In which case you might have a problem.:D

Joe Chritz
06-04-2007, 3:01 PM
It has been a long time since I dyed any knife sheaths but I used a jet black dye once that is probably similar to what you used.

Take a test piece and start with dewaxed shellac. The zinseer is pretty clear and shouldn't change the color much if at all. Then a waterbase finish like Target USL or similar. If the test works well you should be ok.

Like mentioned if the shoe dye is really just wax base polish it may be a problem.


Harry Goodwin
06-04-2007, 9:22 PM
Tandy leather sell a variety of finishes for leather. Harry

Steve Schoene
06-05-2007, 7:51 AM
It might help if you provided the brand and exact name on the label of the leather dye you used. It might help us figure out an approach. I'd strongly doubt there is any information on the label, though it is worth checking.

sol ramos
06-05-2007, 8:03 AM
will do so tonight. (sorry I forgot to take the bottle last time)

hopefully i can give you all the info you need.

*crosses his fingers he didnt use wax :o *

ps joe: dewaxed shellac: whats the purpose of puting this one, before aplying for example a 1 component waterbased polyutheran?

Steve Schoene
06-05-2007, 9:32 AM
Dewaxed shellac has good adhesion properties, it sticks to most finishes and most finishes stick to it. Waterborne finishes don't adhere well to oils and some other finishes (including shellac with the natural wax left in it).

Joe Chritz
06-05-2007, 11:18 AM
Just what Steve said.

Shellac will stick to just about anything and just about anything will stick to it.


sol ramos
06-05-2007, 11:32 AM
smart :D

im learning so much already and ive only been here for some days. Greath forum.

anyway, i should be posting the components of the dy i used in about an hour or 2

thanks for all the reply's allready. I really apreciate it u take the time to help me