View Full Version : DC duct routing question

Doug Shepard
06-03-2007, 8:55 PM
I'm still poking about in my garage rafters trying to get my DC ducting in. I'm at my 2nd Wye branch and I've got a question about duct routing. I'd prefer to go with the arrangement in the pic, but the reversing direction aspect of this makes me wonder if there's an inherent problem with this.
My alternative is to put about a 5-6' straight run before this Wye, then run about 3' to the left before putting a 90 in to bring another duct run back to the general area that the 2nd 45 degree elbow is now pointing. Right now I'd need about 5' of ducting/fittings after the 2nd 45, the other method would take about an extra 8' or so. Regardless of which method the LH branch uses, the straight part of the Wye will end in a straight ahead run about 5 ft from where I've currently stopped, then take a 90 elbow to bring it down out of my rafters. The near side of the Wye is running back to the DC intake. Both methods reverse direction but the 2nd one would do it with a longer run but maybe the transition is better? This LH branch is one that wont get primary use. My main use down-drop will be the straight ahead one and the LH for the occasions where I've got 2 machines I want to have wheeled out and hooked up to the DC at the same time. Any thoughts?

Jim O'Dell
06-03-2007, 9:40 PM
How close is this to the cyclone? Any way to branch off earlier and not have to double back? Even if it made you use a little more pipe, if you can avoid doubling back, I think you will cut down on some of the resistance. Maybe a drawing from overhead showing the layouts you propose would help my tired mind.:D Jim.

Doug Shepard
06-04-2007, 7:42 AM
Unfortunately I cant branch earlier. Working around my rafters (and stuff in the rafters) is complicating things. Within 3 ft of the duct getting up out of the DC closet and into the rafters I have my first Wye, which branches off to the right. That's the earliest spot I have to go in ANY direction. That branch to the right will have the longest runs, plus another Wye off that and that section is pretty straightforward. The very first opportunity to branch to the left is what I'm tackling here. If I put this as pictured as close after the first Wye (off the straight part) as possible, I'm about 6-7 ft from the cyclone, with that 135 degree reversal bringing me to dropping this down from the rafters about 3 ft in front of the DC closet door. If I go with my 2nd plan, I'd be 10-12' from the cyclone before putting this 2nd Wye in. Then I'd have to jog about 3' to the left, then a 90 deg bend to point it back to the same area.
I apologize for the very crude diagram but MS Paint is all I have available here at work to play with. That reversal looks much more severe on this diagram due to poor drawing planning on my part. But I think this captures the general gist of things.


Jim O'Dell
06-04-2007, 7:58 AM
I'd go with option 1. Actually appears to be less turns, and less pipe. If the second option had a couple less turns that the first, then it might be a toss up. Otherwise, less is better. Jim.

Doug Shepard
06-04-2007, 8:19 AM
Option 1 is certainly the easier of the 2 for me to get done, so I like your thinking.:) Plus it's cheaper too.

Jim O'Dell
06-04-2007, 9:22 AM
And both of those are always good things!! :D Jim.