View Full Version : Stuck Router Bit

Joe H. Davis
06-03-2007, 7:16 AM
A friend of mine has a Bosch router and the collet is stuck and won't release the router bit. He has lossened the compression nut (?) and has even taken it completely off and he still can not get the router bit to come out of the router.:mad:

He said he has taken a vice grips and tried twising it out and even a hammer and punch and tried to tap it in a bit and it is still stuck and will not release and come out.

Anyone have any suggestions?



Carl Eyman
06-03-2007, 7:50 AM
I suspect the nut or the collet has slots in it to allow it to compress around the shank of the bit. If so, with the nut out of the router see if you can wedge a screwdriver into one or more of those slots. That should expand the collet. In my PC when you unscrew the nut all the way the collet, bit, and nut all come out together. If that router leaves the collet attached to the router, it may be harder to get to the slots.

If you can get the assembly out (as I suspect cuz you said he'd tried a punch) bring it to a machine shop and have them press it out on an arbor press.

If the bit has been in long enough so corrosion may be a factor, of course soaking in penetrating oil or Liquid Wrench may be an option.

Good luck. Let us know what happens.

Brian Hale
06-03-2007, 7:52 AM
If it's really that stuck, i'd consider using some heat like a propane torch and gently heating it up a bit. Don't go too crazy with the heat or you could damage the dust seal in the bearings.

I'm curious how it got stuck like that?

Brian :)

Mike Parzych
06-03-2007, 8:09 AM
My Bosch has similar problems but I've been able to get them out with prying. I've taken to sanding the shafts a lightly and spraying WD-40 on them before insertion.

Lee Schierer
06-03-2007, 8:40 AM
Most likey the problem is a dirty collet. My craftsman router collet sticks from time to time. What works for it is to tap sideways against the shank of the bit right above the top of the collet. A good sharp rap usually does the trick, sometimes two raps. Remember were not trying to break or bend anything so don't get carried away.

Once the collet is free, polish the collet and the collet opeingin in the motor shaft with Scotchbrite, blow out any dust. Wipe with an oily rag and reassemble.


Byron Trantham
06-03-2007, 10:33 AM
Joe, my PC trim router sticks a lot. Someone here suggested rapping the collet to free it. It works every time. That said, always check the collet before you insert a new bit to make sure the slots are clean, also, I never leave a bit in the router. Odds are great that they will freeze in place.