View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
06-01-2007, 7:26 AM
Friday June 1, 2007

Well, we're almost half way through the year already. First day of summer is coming up on the 21st.

My weekend will be preparing for a visit from family Sunday. They are coming from Roanoke, VA. and spending next week with us. Golf, House on the Rock, upper and lower Dells boats as well as a ride on the Ducks are all on the agenda. Hopefully the weather will co-operate.

So, for this first weekend in June, what's happening in your neck of the woods? What kind of projects do you have going on.

Al, you better get to cleaning. I haven't seen any cleaning going on for a couple of weeks now. ;) :D

Have a good weekend all and most importantly make it a safe one.


Matt Meiser
06-01-2007, 7:52 AM
Assuming that I can get drywall at lunch today (kind of looks like rain right now,) I'm going to frame in the skylight in our master bath and install a new fan/light and some other lighting. The skylight was installed in the roof and the rafters were set up for it, but the tunnel between the roof and ceiling was never built--they just drywalled over the hole.

RickT Harding
06-01-2007, 8:11 AM
With any luck I'll have my cabinet doors assembled. My delta tenoning jig came in yesterday so hopefully I can get these mortise and tenons going smoothly for the door frames.

Al Willits
06-01-2007, 8:17 AM
Cleaning?....I'll try Karl, but looks like a full weekend, Sunday is a Steel shooting match and after spending all day and 300+ rounds, I'll probably not get much else done that day and Saturday looks like my only chance.

Hoping to get the doors done on the storage cabinet sat, but will try to get some cleaning in while that's going on...:)

Hope ya all have a safe and well weekend


Mark Singer
06-01-2007, 8:47 AM
I may start a new bed of quartersawn oak...this one has a curved headboard like a large chair and should be fun...

Jim Becker
06-01-2007, 9:33 AM
Standard Saturday for me...my turn for the YMCA for swimming and karate lessons for the girls. Professor Dr. SWMBO and I have a formal even to attend Saturday night to benefit the institution that provides her paycheck...of course, we had to pay $500 for the tickets. Oy! Sunday will likely involve more heavy landscaping cleanup as last weekend did. I really need to get through it and then my weekends will be free to get back in the shop.

Greg Cole
06-01-2007, 10:47 AM
Weather permitting, I should be able to finish the last tid bits on my deck project. Couple hours at best so long as I don't have to dodge rain clouds all day tomorrow.
I also hope to get the last ton or so of crushed stone brought home and spread leading up to a trip to the rental store for a vibrating tamper.... A combination crushed & flagstone patio is simple but rather back breaking good thing I have a helper.... ok more like a cheer leader for this work since he's only 42 lbs & 5 years old. :cool:



Marty Rose
06-01-2007, 10:49 AM
About one month ago I tore my Achilles Tendon. Three weeks ago,It completely ruptured.:mad: So as you guys,gals get outside,into your respective shops,dinners etc. I just set here and read,re-read and re-re-read all of the FORUMS I can find. My Gen. 350 , Router table, bandsaw are just waiting, guess the elect. bill will go down some. Dr. said my foot was swollen,keep it up or a blood clot could develop. SHMBO would then have to fashion a pine box that would hold my 205 lbs. I enjoy the banter,writings etc. guys KEEP THEM UP AND COMING.:)

Jim O'Dell
06-01-2007, 11:01 AM
If the weather stays dry, I'll be working on mounting the sprinkler pump housing I've built. If it rains, or is still too wet to work down by the creek, and in the extra time, I'll be back to work on the first half of the multistation bench. I need one more 2X4X12' and cut dadoos out and I'll be ready to start assembling it. Then it's on to the second half. That's all after working 8 to 1 at the day job...my Sat. to work. Be safe and productive! Jim.

Pat Germain
06-01-2007, 11:11 AM
I'm going to try to finish up a planer cart I started last weekend. I found some cedar fencing material in my back yard which I forgot about. It's been there for six years and it still looks pretty good. I spent much of last weekend planing it and trying to square it up as best I could. (As my other post suggests, I have yet to buy a jointer.) My garage is now quite aromatic. :)

I got most of the cedar stock cut and ready to assemble. I'm hoping to get it all together so I can use my planer without straining my lower back. I now have to lug that thing onto a portable table to use it.

I learning a lot by making this simple cart of my own design. For many years, I've made only very simple projects with construction lumber and a table saw. Now I'm trying to make more complex projects with new tools. No matter how much one reads or watches woodworking shows, there's certainly nothing like actually doing it. Since I have many mistakes on this planer cart, I'll consider a "functional trainer".

I don't want to derail the thread, but I was wondering about working with cedar. Since it's bug resistant, does that mean it's toxic to us woodworking folks? I use a dust mask and a DC when I cut, but perhaps I should use something more?

Al Killian
06-01-2007, 11:14 AM
Sealing part of the foundation for the building. Landscapeing, if the MIL and LOML listen to me and help.:rolleyes: Then patch some holes in the old building that will be my shop. If time permits, I will work on my sons bed.

Brian Kent
06-01-2007, 11:32 AM

Since some optimist said "Every Problem is an Opportunity in Disguise", maybe you have "opportunity" to learn whittling. Get one of those giant protective leather lap aprons, a steel glove, a chipping knife and a block of bass wood! It will be an inspiring part of your biography!

OK, I'm a realist optimist myself. When you get tired of Sawmill Creek, check out the funny posters at despair.com

Al Willits
06-01-2007, 12:41 PM
Little change of plans, Beasty has reminded me Sat is our anniversary and not to plan anything.....I think when they tell you that several times, I think they're trying to tell you something...so...

Saturday will not be spent in the garage as planed, seems I will be taking the little woman out to eat and giving her a little something for putting up with me all these years...
Already bought the little something, but was hoping to give it to her on the golf course...the present I mean...


glenn bradley
06-01-2007, 2:08 PM
Finish the dog holes on the bench. Make a few dogs. Help a relative of a friend unload a storage shed. Start on some drawer pullouts for LOML's mom. That and the yard ought to burn up the weekend.

Michael Weber
06-01-2007, 2:15 PM
Hope to get the very last door and drawer faces on my everlasting
gobstopper of a kitchen remodel project sanded/assembled/finished and get the glass installed in my upper craftsman style doors.

Robert Strasser
06-01-2007, 4:20 PM
I was going to start using my new Felder K 500 saw. But one look at the attached picture shows that I'll have to make other plans. I can't line up the splitter because a part is bent. Bad news. The parts come from Austria. Really bad news. Guess I'll get the garden started instead.

Dennis Peacock
06-01-2007, 6:31 PM
Howdy Karl,

Just another weekend of the day job and playing bass at church this week. I get to do the OnCall duty next week, so I can expect at least a 90 hour work week next week.

Have a great weekend!!!!

Fred Voorhees
06-01-2007, 6:37 PM
Have already started the weekend plans. Today after work, I set up the new Vizio 37" LCD flat screen television in our family room. Our former TV was giving up the ghost and I have been jonesing to get the armoir started that will house the new television. Over the course of the weekend, I will be scanning the internet to get some ideas about the style of armoir that I will want to build.

Will be putting a couple of air conditioners into their appropriate windows this weekend and will also be taking a look at a new cell phone. If the weather permits, I hope to get to my usual Saturday night dirt track haunt, the New Egypt Speedway. Sunday will find the usual suspects coming over for the Sunday NASCAR Nextel Cup event from Dover, DE. This Sundays menu will feature batter dipped and deep fried sunfish nuggets. Of course, cold Coors Light will be on tap.

Rob Tolentino
06-01-2007, 7:08 PM
Another busy weekend - unfortunately, not in the workshop. It's a tough time of the year to spend any time woodworking. So many other chores and obligations.

Saturday morning taking 3 out of the 4 kids to Tae Kwan Do classes. The afternoon will be at my cousin's baby's christening and then back to her house for a cookout that will go into the evening.

Sunday will probably be spent pressure washing the house and deck. If I have time, I will also pressure wash the mother-in-law's house as well.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Look forward to checking back in with the forum on Monday.

Rick Gibson
06-02-2007, 2:53 PM
Hoping to get the last couple coats of finish on a bookshelf I am building for my church. Other than that maybe enjoy a couple brews and the warm weather.

Matt Meiser
06-02-2007, 8:34 PM
I'm going to frame in the skylight in our master bath and install a new fan/light and some other lighting.

Well I probably lost 10lbs of water weight doing it, but I somehow managed to already get all this done including insulation and drywall, so now I can enjoy tomorrow, if I can move in the morning that is. And I talked LOML into letting me hire someone to tape it so I can move on to better things.

Nothing like working with insulation and drywall in the heat. :rolleyes: