View Full Version : Delta Lathe Should I be kicking myself???

Clint Jones
05-31-2007, 10:52 PM
Today I went to a sale and they had an assortment of woodworking tools and such. I have been wanting to buy a lathe but I know nothing about them. I was looking at a Jet Mini VS but have decided to see if I can find something local first. At the sale was a large older delta lathe in good shape it was marked $295. The lathe worked fine and it was all there. Should I have passed on it??? I can go back tommorrow and see if it is still there (it will be marked less if its not gone). I ended up buying a few hand tools some chisels and a huge stack of various air dried wood (Walnut, Cherry, Mesquite, and Pine) for $65. I know a few of you guys are from LR where the sale was, I left two more piles of wood I couldnt fit in my blazer. You can have the address if you would like the wood just dont buy the late because I need one :D . If its gone its ok there is an auction Saturday with another Delta but the question is how much will I have to pay???

Neal Addy
05-31-2007, 11:01 PM
Clint, Delta has made some very good lathes over the years. Google on "Old Woodworking Machines" (there's a specific website by that name but I can't link to it here) and you'll find quite a bit of info on older model Deltas. Look under "machine type" in the "Photo Index" section.

Do you know what model it is?

Bernie Weishapl
05-31-2007, 11:01 PM
Hey Clint it would help if we knew what the model was. Most of those older ones like that are ok and heavy duty.