View Full Version : First Bowl w finish question

Doug M Jones
05-31-2007, 6:54 AM
Oak 6.25 inches by 2.75 inches. Wall thickness 5/16.

Truth be told ... this is bowl # 5. Bowls 1-3 blew up when I caught the gouge. I recieved some excellent advice on how to handle the bowl gouge so I was able to complete Bowl 4 but I thought the log was really dry and then it cracked right down the middle and became oval. This is really the first complete bowl that I've turned. I rough turned it, soaked it in DNA and then let it set for about 4 weeks until the weight had stabilized. Turned and then sanded to 600 grit.

Next question, what to finish with?
I bought some clear Deft laquer that you are supposed to brush on but I don't have a buffing system or the budget for one at this time so this may not be a good choice. I know it's not a Travis Stinson but I don't want to screw up what I've accomplished thus far. Any help will be appreciated.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures, I need work there as well.

Steve Schlumpf
05-31-2007, 8:40 AM
Doug - real nice looking bowl!

There are any number of finishes out there that would work. I really like Watco 'Natural' Danish Oil or Minwax Antique Oil. I usually put on a couple coats of oil - let dry for about 72 hours - and then a couple of coats of Minwax Wipe-On Poly. I picked up my buffer system just a few months ago but before that I always rubbed things out using a piece of brown paper bag. Takes lots of elbow grease but it does work.

Mark Cothren
05-31-2007, 9:21 AM
Nice bowl, Doug. I've only turned two pieces of Oak that I know of and didn't have any luck with either of them. Until you get a buffing setup you could rig something up to use on your lathe - would work better than nothing?

Tom Sherman
05-31-2007, 4:16 PM
That's a fine bowl there Doug. The lacquer would work for your finish you could use steel wool after it dried to knock off the fuzzies.

Jim Becker
05-31-2007, 5:39 PM
A wiped on oil-based finish will be the easiest, Doug. Several coats will do it and you can actually buff/shine/wax it by hand, too.