View Full Version : Keith Outten

Byron Trantham
01-07-2004, 12:38 PM
Got the calendar today. It really turned out nice.

To what do I owe for the template? Very nice surprise.

Have a Happy New Year and thanks again.

Keith Outten
01-07-2004, 12:58 PM

I included the ciircle/angle layout guide as a gift for being late delivering the calendars. I hope you will enjoy the jig and let me know anything you like or dislike about my new layout guide. I will make more of these as soon as the people who have them now have had a chance to use them and report their comments. The next group I produce will have all of the changes incorporated.


Got the calendar today. It really turned out nice.

To what do I owe for the template? Very nice surprise.

Have a Happy New Year and thanks again.

Glenn Clabo
01-08-2004, 2:33 PM
The calendar really turned out great! Thanks for doing it and thanks for the guide. I'll try to work it out this weekend.

Keith Outten
01-08-2004, 8:00 PM

Well the calendars weren't a very big success, only five were printed. I really like mine and in spite of it being my first calendar I'm pleased. Next years calendar will be created earlier and be of a much higher quality. I learned a lot about what works and that there are lots of options in the creative end if you plan ahead. If I am financially able I hope to have the next calendar photographed and printed by a professional.

The gauges are definately in the very early stages. Aaron and I already have lots of improvements planned but we will wait for comments from everyone who has one before we issue the next revision. This is a project I have been working on for a very long time, I am already considering another piece for the gauge that would allow you to set and transfer angles to a saw.

Bruce Page
01-08-2004, 10:03 PM
I too received my calendar and the surprise circle-angle layout jig today. They are both very, very nice. Thank you!

Boy, those are manly machines! If I had some of that machinery in my shop my waist line would be much smaller and my legs much larger! :p

Thanks again!