View Full Version : Bought Tools at Estate Sell, How did I do?

Paul Snowden
05-27-2007, 11:57 PM
So my wife spots an ad for an estate sale in which a woodshop is mention and the pictured posted are the following.



I get to this place and it's incredible. The guy had turned the unfinished space under his house into a woodworking heaven. He had a 1,100 sq workshop room, a 300 sq finishing room, a small woodworking office and a full bathroom. This guy had EVERYTHING. I eyed quite a few things but they were asking to much and so I thought I would leave a low ball bid on a few and leave. I get home and a few hours later guess what...They called and said they had some equipment for me to pick up. Here is what I ended up with. All together I ended up spending $300.




It even came with the original instruction books.


and extra blades. The one on the right I believe is a dado blade.


Small Drill Press


Bisquit cutter


and small planer


What do you think? Did I do ok, or did I get hosed?

Nancy Laird
05-28-2007, 12:32 AM
You got your $300 worth in the DeWalt radial arm saw (and yes, that's a dado set). The old 50s-era DeWalts were built like tanks, and unless the motor is bad, you got a really good deal. As for the rest, ??????


Joe Chritz
05-28-2007, 9:46 AM

A RAS would be handy for a lot of operations. I would snag that one for $300 any day.

Good catch.


Randal Stevenson
05-28-2007, 10:11 AM
That 925 is one of the better ones from the late 50's and early 60's. (after the B&D buyout)
If I remember correctly (+/- 1 year in either direction), it was made between 59-62, and is one of the most popular ones. The recommended blades for it (from a Dewalt ras member forum) are the Freud series LU83R series (008,010, and I believe it was made, 009), or the Mr. Sawdust Forrest WWI series (available ONLY by contacting Charles at Forrest).

That, and a whole LOT more can be found over at the DeWalt radial arm saw forums.

Oops, may have violated the other forums post, but for safety/parts/rebuild info, so mod please check.

Jim Becker
05-28-2007, 10:38 AM
Kewel. Nice scores!

Cliff Rohrabacher
05-28-2007, 10:50 AM
I really think that you should scrap the whole lot~!

I tell ya what. In the interest of furthering your woodworking and helping my brother chip maker out I'll take it off your hands for the price you paid and dispose of it discretely in an ecologically friendly manner.

Don't thank me it's a service I'd render to any one.

Tyler Purcell
05-28-2007, 12:47 PM
Wow! $300 for all those goodies? You practically stole those tools. I would pay $300 for the RAS alone any day.

Gary Herrmann
05-28-2007, 1:54 PM
Nice haul. That looks like one of the old cast iron bodied Delta bandsaws. I'll bet that guy had a lot of nice stuff. 1400 sq ft shop? I can only dream...

glenn bradley
05-28-2007, 1:56 PM
Oh you lucky dog. Great score.

Byron Trantham
05-28-2007, 3:05 PM
I should be so lucky. Nice haul Dude!:D

Gary Patterson
05-28-2007, 4:46 PM
Great Luck comes to those who are ready for it!

Our friends at OWWM whould be saying that 'you suck' about now for that RAS.
The original instruction books are a great BONUS !
Good job!

Doug Shepard
05-28-2007, 6:09 PM
Well somebody sure nuff got hosed, but it wasn't you.:D
Nice score.

Ron Blaise
05-28-2007, 6:12 PM
Just that old DeWalt is worth 300 bucks!. As they say down here;"you could fall in the out-house & come up smelling like a rose! :D :D
Good for you!