View Full Version : New shop progress

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:01 PM
We are finally moved into our new house and I was able to spend considerable time working on insulating the 30x48x12 pole barn. The front 32' of the barn will be my shop with the back 16' storage for lumber, the tractor, and other outdoor "stuff". As of Sunday, the walls are insulated, sheathed in OSB, primed and painted. Next is installing the ceiling (corrugated white steel.) and then I can get the rest of my tools out of storage. I also have lighting, dust collection, and wiring still to be done.

The first picture is a before shot, taken about 3 weeks ago just before we moved in. I'm standing at the back of the building, shooting towards the front.

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:02 PM
A couple of my brothers helped build a wall to divide the space while home for the holidays. This is the back side of the wall. The car and a lot of the other stuff belongs to the previous owner.

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:04 PM
Here is a shot from the back corner of the new shop, a similar angle to the "before" shot.

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:05 PM
This room will be a little office so I have a place to sit down, and to keep a computer.

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:06 PM
Taken from near the entry door.

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:07 PM
From near the office.

Dick Parr
01-05-2004, 2:15 PM
Wow, can't wait to see this one finished. Remember, when you think you have enough outlets, add some more. Especially 220 outlets. I thought 6 would be enough, :mad: I wish I had 6 more. I have 110's every 4 feet and wish I made them double outlets. Remember to keep us up to date with your progress.

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:16 PM
An outside shot from the house. The sliding door on the side goes to the back part of the barn.

Matt Meiser
01-05-2004, 2:19 PM
Wow, can't wait to see this one finished. Remember, when you think you have enough outlets, add some more. Especially 220 outlets. I thought 6 would be enough, :mad: I wish I had 6 more. I have 110's every 4 feet and wish I made them double outlets. Remember to keep us up to date with your progress.

I put each wall on a circuit and have 4 outlets every 8 feet. I'll also have dedicated circuits for major machines and one over my bench on a drop cord.

Still deciding on lighting. The existing High Pressure Sodium lights have a CRI of 21 :(

Jim Becker
01-05-2004, 2:45 PM
That's an awesome shop space, Matt...keep the pictures coming as it continues to develop. One of the things that really struck me about Jerry Todd's shop from my recent visit was the incredibly good lighting...it really does make a difference. If you can duplicate that...you'll be in heaven!

Ken Garlock
01-05-2004, 6:32 PM
I put each wall on a circuit and have 4 outlets every 8 feet. I'll also have dedicated circuits for major machines and one over my bench on a drop cord.

Still deciding on lighting. The existing High Pressure Sodium lights have a CRI of 21 :(

Matt, regarding the lighting, I looked extensively on the internet prior to lighting my 24x24 shop. I ended up with 8 2-bulb 48" fixtures with electronic ballasts. I found a place down the road from you that sells full specturm bulbs, Full spectrum solutions (http://www.fullspectrumsolutions.com/Fluorescent.htm) . They claim that their bulbs have a CRI of 91 at a color temp of 5000K or 5900K. Give them a look....

Also, you will want to paint your walls and ceiling in the whitest white semi-glass enamel you can find.

Lastly, I had the electrican put 230v/20a outlets around the room every 8 feet. The 120v outlets are paired duplex in a quad box with each duplex outlet going to a different circuit breaker. (Half the outlets on one wall are on one circuit, and the other half on that wall are on another.)

It looks like you have a great shop in the making, do post more pictures as it progresses. :cool:

Rob Littleton
01-05-2004, 6:59 PM
If that gas pump outside isn't functional, i would have that light up for sure.

What a beautiful shop in beautiful surroundings

When I grow up......................:-)

Brad Hammond
01-05-2004, 10:02 PM
THAT is looking sweet!!!
i cannot wait to start mine in the next couple of months!!! very jealous!
great job!!

Jay Albrandt
01-06-2004, 12:44 AM
Very nice space! Thanks for posting. Can't wait to see it when it is done.
