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View Full Version : Replacement belt for Performax 16-32

Dennis Peacock
01-05-2004, 1:30 PM
Well....my belt is coming apart at the seam.....so I guess I had better order me a new one. I figured that one of these should last at least a year right? Mine will be a year old in March. Does anyone have a good location to buy replacement belts / conveyor belts for the 16-32 that are not too expensive? Seems like I saw them "somewhere" for under $30 each.

Clueless in Conway......

Jerry Baldwin
01-05-2004, 2:11 PM
Well, it's not "under" $30 - it IS $30.
Woodworkers Supply (http://woodworker.com/cgi-bin/FULLPRES.exe?PARTNUM=951-723)

I just bought one recently.


John Weber
01-05-2004, 3:59 PM

I would think it would last more the 9 months. Doesn't the machine have a 2 year warranty, I would call Jet. After almost 2 years my belt looks good, but the belt motor buzzes more then it should.


Bob Lasley
01-05-2004, 5:26 PM

Mine lasted right at a year and when it came from gether it was right in the middle of sanding a pretty piece of mahogany. Would have been alright if it just broke, but it balled up under the wood and shoved into the drum. Made a nice valley right it in the middle of it, arrrgggh!

Picked up the replacement at the local toy store, but don't remember what I paid for it.


Terry Hatfield
01-05-2004, 6:03 PM

Mine has stayed together fine, but now the wood is slipping like the drive belt is worn out. It's a major pain to have to hold the wood down to the belt to keep it moving. I readjusted the pressure rollers, but it didn't help. Guess I gotta get one too. :mad:


CPeter James
05-19-2005, 12:27 PM
Industrial Abrasives just made me two for $11 and change each. The seem to be about the same as the Performax ones which for that machine are $70 EACH!!! The nice lady said they make lots of them and have no bad feedback on the life or quality.



Kirk (KC) Constable
05-20-2005, 1:43 AM
Klingspor also stocks these...

Thomas Prondzinski
05-20-2005, 7:23 AM
Give Jet a call I'm sure they will send you a new one. I just got one for my 22-44 plus,no questions asked. Great company to deal with.


Greg Heppeard
05-20-2005, 8:08 AM

Give me a call on Monday. 918-384-0100 Since it's under a year old, I can get you a new one.


Where ya been bud? Haven't seen you in a looooooooooong time.

Bob Lasley
05-20-2005, 11:56 AM
Reports of my demise are greatly exagerated. Or something like that. This is the first time I've had time to log on though I peek from time to time.

Greg, I stopped by to see you yesterday and you were off stuffing your face.


Greg Heppeard
05-20-2005, 12:37 PM
I gotta do that once in a while....watching my figure ya know??? It's still there. lol

Steve Nelson
05-20-2005, 12:56 PM
Good to see your alive and well Bob,we have missed you really missed ya at Terrys last year....Steve

jerry cousins
05-20-2005, 2:46 PM
i just ordered one from highland hardware - for a 22-44 - $70.


craig carlson
05-20-2005, 5:13 PM
I used rubber cement and glued it back together it seems like it's fine but I do keep an eye on it.