View Full Version : Domino - Any Regrets

Scott Coffelt
05-21-2007, 11:49 AM
I know, I know, as one Festool lover to others... I know the answer to this question, but I plan on placing my order this week with Bob. I know that many folks have had them for awhile, any regrets on spending the $$'s to buy? Is it all you imagined it would be? I have other tools to get the job done, but besides the fact that I want one, time is a major factor in my life as I don't have enough. I got a kitchen rebuild coming later this year and believe this will be a major time saver for me, thus my main reason for shelling out the big bucks. So, back to the question, for those who've bought, would you do it again if given the chance?


Steven Evans
05-21-2007, 12:02 PM
I spent nearly 1K on mine with the extra goodies and the Dominos set with bits. I plan to use mine on face frames and various projects. I have used it several times and has worked flawless everytime. If it were not for work and not a tax write off it would be one tough decision for me. It works as hyped the rest is up to you and your budget.

Scott Coffelt
05-21-2007, 12:49 PM
Thanks, money is not the object on this, as time savings is way more important for me. I have lots of doors to do and if I can cut the time in half or more, that's the difference in a happy mama or even happier mama. And everyone knows when mama's happy, then everyone else including daddy are happy.

Went ahead and pulled the trigger, order is on it's way to Uncle Bob.

Todd Solomon
05-21-2007, 1:06 PM
No regrets here, Scott. I've already used it to perform an emergency replacement of a drawer box in the kitchen. Absolutely kicked butt, on speed and accuracy...



Darl Bundren
05-21-2007, 1:50 PM
I am a hobbyist woodworker, and I purchased the Domino, systainer with dominos and bits, and the CT22 dust extractor. It was expensive for me, but the benefits I've experienced will, I think, make it worth it to me.

The domino has saved me lots of time. It is quick to set up, easy to use, and the results are excellent. I do not have tons of time in my shop, and it frustrates me to set goals and spend the afternoon not meeting them because of set-up time, rookie mistakes, or simple slowness. With the domino, I am quicker and more accurate.

If you purchase one, you may have to swallow hard to get past the price, but if you buy one, I'll bet you'll like it.

jason lambert
05-21-2007, 2:44 PM
I am a hobbyist woodworker also it is wonderful just make sure to get the index accessory. If you can afford it it will save time and give you a nice solid joint. Hands down better and stronget than my dewalt biscut joiner.

Rob Tolentino
05-21-2007, 2:50 PM
I like doing woodworking projects and like doing remodeling jobs around the house. The Domino or any other tool is what I enjoy having and using so I buy what I want to. I do consider cost when making purchases, but I also like to buy quality tools. I'm not usually contrained by time, but I like to buy tools that help me get the job done within a reasonable amount of time. More importantly, I like to buy tools to make my hobby more enjoyable - so "no regrets" for buying the Domino.

Scott Coffelt
05-21-2007, 4:29 PM
Great input, I am a big Festool fan, and have many of their tools. It does have a large price tag associated with it, then again pretty much been the case with the other 5-6 Festool tools I have purchased.

Anyways, I placed an order today and already have a shipment report. Looking forward to playing around with it, in between window installations. I got 3 of my 30 new windows installed last Saturday.... which means most of my time available for project activities is still alotted for window installations.....

doesn't mean i can't sneak a few test plunges in while in the shop :D :p :rolleyes: