View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
05-21-2007, 10:34 AM
Good Morning.
21 May 2007 (sheesh...time sure flies)

I hope that everyone had a good weekend.
I'm still working on the kitchen table project and trying to figure out the best way for me to veneer the curved skirts of the table. I can already tell you that I don't have enough clamps....so I may have to figure a way to vacuum them.

It was family day on Sunday. I didn't play bass on Sunday as it was my time to have a Sunday off. Watched a movie with the family and then we went outside and played....yup....frisbee. Do you know how long it's been since I did anything with a frisbee?????? Well, we all had a good time anyway and we plan on doing it again.

Today it's back on the kitchen table project and I hope to get some time to spend on the lathe today.

So what did YOU do this past weekend???

Best of weeks to you all.

Bob Reeve
05-21-2007, 11:05 AM
Just finished a class at the Woodworker Academy in Alameda CA. We made a Tool Chest. Still needs some final sanding and its finish. Will post pictures soon. As an aside, great school and great instructor. Going back on June 10th for a hand cut dovetail class.

Art Mulder
05-21-2007, 11:18 AM
Good Morning.
21 May 2007 (sheesh...time sure flies)

I hope that everyone had a good weekend.

Ask me tomorrow! :D It's still the weekend for those of us living on this side of the border. No worries, you can do your own gloating next week monday when you folks get a day off.


Built a couple of small cedar planters for the deck, and glued up some cherry for the top of a dresser I'm building. Finally, this morning we finally ripped out the stove exhaust fan which we've hated for years. Noisy fans should be outlawed. What good is a stove fan that is so loud that you can't hold a conversation when it is on? Replaced it with a Broan "Allure II" which is a much quieter fan.

Happy Victoria Day to all my fellow Canucks!

Dan Gill
05-21-2007, 11:19 AM
I spent just long enough in the shop to frustrate myself with dovetailing some small drawers. This happens when I try to rush into stuff without enough time to see something through.

Justin McCurdy
05-21-2007, 11:23 AM
I was able to complete the hanging of some wood storage standards:


I was also able to clean the garage enough to see the floor again.

I finally stopped to get gas for the weed whacker. The 18" tall grass trim around my house was getting a little unsightly. I'll bet you can't tell what my least favorite outside chore is...

We attended a barrage of parties over the weekend so that really cut into my sitting around time, not to mention shop time. Regardless, spent way too much money and did not get nearly enough to show for it.

Nancy Laird
05-21-2007, 11:24 AM
Jeez, what a busy weekend!! As of Friday morning, we had ONE order in-house, for a grand total of 5 name tags, so it was going to be a restful weekend. By the end of the day Friday, we had another order for 24 name tags, an order for 100 sets of "WELCOME" letters (individual letters cut on the laser) for another customer, and Saturday morning, the orders just came rolling in--a batch of business cards (new customer :D ), a plaque for a customer/friend :D , a potential new customer who wants 25 plaques done by June 1, :D and another new customer :D :D for a small plaque for one of his miniature houses. On top of that, we have been converting some scroll-saw plans to Corel X3 to be lasered, and we got one of the plans completely converted and cut out 6 clocks - two from wood and four from acrylic. The clocks each have 4 or 5 individual pieces so the conversion time is looooong. I've ordered the clock inserts for them, and as soon as I get them and put them together, I'll post a picture of one of them. They'll go for $40 or more in my craft-fair booths this year. I plan to make a bunch of them to see how they'll sell. I'm having to take a day off from work just to recuperate from my weekend--no going to work to rest!!


Karl Laustrup
05-21-2007, 12:16 PM
Mornin' Dennis.

I've had a hard time getting anything accomplished this past weekend. Ever since hearing about Pesh.

I was able to partially prep the mower deck to paint the underbelly, which will hopefully eliminate, or at least reduce, the amount of grass that catches and stays there. Still have some sand blasting to do and then a primer coat which I hope to get done by tomorrow.

Busy week this week with prep work for guests in a couple of weeks.

Hope ya'll have a good week.


glenn bradley
05-21-2007, 12:46 PM
Saturday my daughter had her graduation ceremony and a lunchtime gathering at her place after. All had a good time and she is much relieved at taking about 10 months off between degrees.

Sunday the LOML, her daughter and I took in the Renaissance Faire and enjoyed the food, folk, jousting, queen's parade, etc. All this time I was woodworking . . . no really . . . I'm waiting on some BLO to dry.

Tyler Howell
05-21-2007, 1:01 PM
Not very productive.
A little Jet Lag after traveling.....and I didn't even change time zones:o

Matt Meiser
05-21-2007, 1:22 PM
Hauled and installed 5 trailer loads of wood chips. I also moved about 10 Rose of Sharon bushes--we planted them as seedlings and put them close together expecting only about 1/2 to survive, and so far have only lost 1. Sunday I mowed the lawn. This morning before "commuting" to work, I finished up a drywall patch job necessitated by replacing the shower valve in our master bath the previous weekend.

Related to the patch job, I found my Festool stuff works great for sanding and got approval to keep doing it from Uncle Bob in another thread. Our walls have a really slight texture, maybe even just in the paint, but I've never been happy where I've filled nail holes etc. because they turn out too flat. This time I tried a small short nap (hope I can still use that word?) roller that I wetted and rolled over the final coat. Then an hour or so later I went back with a damp sponge and knocked it down. A few hours later and the only difference between the repaired area and the rest of the wall is a color difference between the white paint and dry joint compound. Between those two things I actually feel willing to tackle some larger drywall projects for our master bath remodel.

Jim O'Dell
05-21-2007, 1:29 PM
Well, my weekend to work a half day Sat. Got off at 1:00, got 2 items from HD, ate lunch with LOML and started working on the little pump shed I'm building for the water sprinkler pump to get it off the ground and sheltered from the rain in an attempt to make it last more than one year. Started digging for post holes. First one went fine. 18" down and nothing but nice black dirt, well a few pieces of white rock and white brick. Second hole, get down about 8" and hit something. (Note, I'm wearing the Walkman for some tunes to dig by) See something white, figure it's a rock or brick again. Hit it a few more times and water starts filling the hole. :eek: :eek: Yep, it's the water line from the pump to the sprinkler system. That ended my day while the system drained down and leached into the soil. Sun am helped LOML clean the house for a party that afternoon for her music students. Over about 4:15, go back and figure out the mess. There are two pipes there, but only one from the pump. :confused: I dig out the Whole line out and find the 24 volt trigger wires and think they are in the second pipe....NO. It's just a piece of pipe, open ended laying next to the system feed pipe. Change location so I can still use the one hole I've dug, get down about 8", hit rock. Move to hole #3, dig down about 8", hit rock. I'M DONE!!:D I'll have to break out the demo bar tonight after work and take out my frustrations.
The sad news for the weekend was one of the old rescue foster dogs had to be put down Sunday morning early. I stayed at home while LOML took him to the vet. We had him on IVs all night, and he just got worse and worse. But he's better now at the bridge and can run a play again, and no more seizures. Jim.

Al Willits
05-21-2007, 2:28 PM
I hate gardening.....
Well, I do for a few days anyway, spent the weekend helping the Shebeast plant all the vegetables I so foolishily suggested to her that we should grow, I really didn't mean "WE" as in us...:)

But sunday I did manage to work on the storage cabinet for a bit, I have decided to try cherry door frames with pine panels, so I glued the panels together and routered all the styles, rail and panels, and have them ready to glue together.

And did the required cleaning of the shop, both sawdust and loose dirt.
I did find it seems my torsion table makes a great planting bench.

We now have about a dozen large plastic pots with veggies and peppers planted and close to that with assorted flowers, and we had dirt all over the garage...well, I had dirt all over the garage, wife's a bit neater than me....:)
So I'm one tired puppy today, but we now have planters all over the place and the Beasty has almost all her flowers in the ground, so she is a happy camper, which makes my life much easier...

Hope ya all had a good weekend.

Al....who beginning to think square foot gardening should be kept to a square foot...

Brett Baldwin
05-21-2007, 3:48 PM
I discovered the joys of installing a french door in a block wall by yourself. I don't think I'll make a living at remodeling anytime in the near future. I spent from 7:00am to 11:30pm on that project Saturday and I still have all the trim work to do. I did learn interesting things about my house's construction though and I now have a public access to the backyard which has been lacking for the five years I've lived there. All in all, a good weekend and I'm much poorer for it.;)

mark page
05-21-2007, 10:56 PM
Attended child #2 high school graduation. Great event. Smart girl and has already completed first semester of college while in high school, also has a scholarship. We are very proud of her.
So now two kids in college, one graduating HS next year and two in grade school. Used to be you didn't want kids to grow up, but after a total of five, we keep asking ourselves how old are we going to be when the last one hits the road, lol.
Of course had the in-laws, out-laws, and other family-laws over. Very little shop time this weekend. What little there was I felt rushed, and of course pulled a weenie on one project and drilled right through it. Not once but three times, EEK!!! Was time to stop and take a break.

Still trying to get rid of the rabbits and other varmints eating the garden. The bobcat/coyote and other foul smelling stuff is not working. May be time for some rabbit stew in the crockpot.

LOML pulled a new one on herself, I am pondering whether or not to post it on the off topic forum. Have to figure out how to do it tastefully and not get evicted off the board. But just too darn funny not to post....

Jim Becker
05-21-2007, 11:22 PM
I got the grass mowed, took the girls to the Y for their swimming and karate lessons and then took them for a plane ride. (See OT Forum... "Up, Up and Away" thread) Outside of that...nothing except prepare for some business meetings.