View Full Version : Thanks to all

05-18-2007, 2:04 PM
Hey guys and gals, I really want to say thanks for the post today and yesterday. There were several new members posting, as well as some very fine work. It's good to see after a few days of nonsense to see it get back to normal. Keep the posting coming.

I played golf instead of working yesterday and got to come in today and see some wonderful work. makes me have high hopes for when I get my projects worked up from the new lathe. I have a bowl, vase (first hf), goblet, and another bowl already turned. Now just have to finish them and get pics for your viewing pleasure.

Again thanks for the return to normalcy!!!!!

Christopher K. Hartley
05-18-2007, 3:03 PM
...I played golf instead of working yesterday and got to come in today and see some wonderful work.
GOLF???:mad: :confused: are you nuts?Loosing all that good turning time...HERACY!!...HERACY!!!:D :D

Bernie Weishapl
05-18-2007, 3:43 PM
Tyler are you crazy??????? Golf instead of TURNING.:eek: :rolleyes: :cool: ;) That ought to be against the law!!!!

I play a little myself Tyler. hehehe So better not say to much but couldn't resist.

Jim Becker
05-18-2007, 3:54 PM
I haven't played golf in about six years now...who has time for that?

Tom Sherman
05-18-2007, 4:14 PM
Golf huh, just imagine you could chase a loose bowl around the shop and no green fees.

Dennis Peacock
05-18-2007, 7:33 PM
Well, I guess you COULD play golf....as long as you were scouting for more turning stock. :p :D

Joseph Peacock
05-18-2007, 8:52 PM
GOLF, ARE YOU BANANAS?!!!! :confused:

Robert McGowen
05-18-2007, 9:53 PM
"Who would want to chase a little ball around when you could watch wood spin in a circle?"

The LOML, a non-turner, non-golfer, but nice person 5-18-07 :)

Glenn Hodges
05-19-2007, 6:41 PM
If I was to go back to golfing I would have a chainsaw in my golf bag. Hope you had fun.

Don Orr
05-21-2007, 3:11 PM
As long as you turn your own tees:D .

steven carter
05-21-2007, 3:27 PM
I'm having trouble keeping my handicap at 6 and turning at the same time. I figure both will have to suffer. Thank goodness I live where you can't play golf all year:mad:.

Philip Duffy
05-21-2007, 4:22 PM
Golf affects the brain in such an insidious way that, the next thing they know is that the ball is white and the ball is white and the ball is white and that is all they know. It is true, and I live where there are 500 of these guys! Ever try to have an intelligent conversation with a golfer about something important, like the condition of the world? Forget it! Phil

05-29-2007, 1:31 PM
Well guys sorry for the long time no posts. We have been moving our office across town and I got demoted to pack mule. I have gotten to turn some new things on the new lathe, but pics are not done yet. I am soooo baddd about not taking pictures. one reason is I post at work during free time. So bringing the camera here to work and uploading is sometimes difficult. i will post the new lathe and work soon though.

By the way.......The golf was free and I got paid to play. Can't beat that even turning! Sorry love golf and turning. But was getting paid to play! It was a work sponsored Texas Society for Professional Engineers scholarship fund tournament. Seeing I work for engineers.....

Bill Wyko
05-29-2007, 3:25 PM
I wonder how many people know what G.O.L.F stands for. It stands for "Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden":D I believe that's true too.

05-29-2007, 5:30 PM
God's Only Laying Four! That's why there are no par 6 holes!!!! He puts perfect never needs 6! LOL