View Full Version : Twisted Bowl (5 views)

Malcolm Tibbetts
05-18-2007, 1:47 PM
I've been playing around with my "ribbon bowl" technique. This is the latest effort. About 19" from end to end, lyptus, a little narra, and a little ebony, with black ink on the edges. There are a lot of possibilities with this technique.

Paul Engle
05-18-2007, 1:54 PM
:confused: :confused: I so cornfused,,, wayyy cool Malcolm.You take the bowl to finish then cut and reglue? do you joint the cut parts to make em fit snug?I gotta get your book/dvd.... Awsome , just Awsome...:D

05-18-2007, 2:11 PM
Dnag it Malcom!!! Your ticking me off!!! I can't see how you do it. I want a pic by pic tutorial on how it's done. I still don't think I could do it, but I'd still like to know how. Please either post, or pm me with some idea. It's driving me batty!!!

Steve Schlumpf
05-18-2007, 2:18 PM
WOW! Another great lesson in imagination! Great concept - wonderful woodworking! Thanks for posting!

jeremy levine
05-18-2007, 2:27 PM
Dnag it Malcom!!! Your ticking me off!!! I can't see how you do it. I want a pic by pic tutorial on how it's done. I still don't think I could do it, ....!

I couldn't even do it in Photoshop.

But please post a bit on how you did it, Truly amazing.

Bernie Weishapl
05-18-2007, 3:45 PM
WOW tha is beautiful. I got dizzy just looking at it. How did you do it? Excellent job Malcolm.

Bill Wyko
05-18-2007, 3:47 PM
Hi Malcolm. Once again (I must sound like a broken record) You never cease to amaze me. I really hope you and I get to meet someday. You do such a great job of showing how many ways turning can be made un-round. That is a fantastic piece. Thanks for posting it. Just curious, what is your favorite piece you ever made?

Jim Becker
05-18-2007, 3:53 PM
Malcolm, yet another amazing piece. I love how you get these things to "work out" so perfectly!

Tom Collins
05-18-2007, 4:54 PM
Wellllll........my gaster is flabbered! Nice Work.
Tom C.

Jim Underwood
05-18-2007, 5:09 PM
Oh.. ok.. I get it now.
I saw this on another forum and couldn't figure it out. But the extra views give the clues to see how it's done.

I won't spoil Malcom's fun by telling you how though.:D

Nice job as always Malcom. You never cease to amaze me with the patience you have for this stuff...

Lisa Gilbert
05-18-2007, 5:56 PM
That is SO cool! Guess I'll meekly get back to turning pens, now.

Malcolm Tibbetts
05-18-2007, 7:17 PM
Thanks for the nice comments.

This technique is not in my book, but it's an extension of my "oval bowl" trick which I did include in the book. If you look closely, you will discover a center seam which has mirror shapes on each side. I turned an "S" shaped donut (the "S" on its side) and then cut sections from the donut. The inner portions of the sections were modified so that they would overlap each other when the center seam was glued together. The only non-lathe shaping was the cutting of the exposed edges. You just have to think outside the bowl. :) :)

Rich Chilcot
05-18-2007, 9:14 PM

Robert McGowen
05-18-2007, 9:48 PM
You did that on purpose?

And I was thinking that you just needed to DNA the wood next time so it wouldn't twist all up........... :D

(Very nice Malcom!)

Gary Herrmann
05-18-2007, 9:49 PM
Can't think of anything to say other than WOW...

Roy Griggs
05-18-2007, 10:07 PM
Does that cause nightmares or is it caused by nightmares?


Chris Barton
05-19-2007, 6:41 AM
Wow Malcom, an amazing piece as always. You manage to think of ways to segment turn that my weak mind finds impossible to comprehend. Another great piece!

Malcolm Tibbetts
05-19-2007, 10:21 PM
Does that cause nightmares or is it caused by nightmares?

Roy, it doesn't cause nightmares, but it does keep me from sleeping sometimes.

Thanks everyone for the comments.