View Full Version : Wipe-on Poly gel question

Chuck Tumelty
05-18-2007, 12:56 AM
I recently used a little wipe-on poly on some scrap and now I have a question. Are you supposed to saturate the piece and then essentially wipe off nearly all the gel? I wanted to use this wipe on poly because I heard it goes on easily and doesn't require a bunch of sanding to get the surfaced streaks out and yet I have noticeable surface streaks. For the samples that I wiped off nearly all of the poly, they are fairly smooth but I am not sure how much poly stayed on the wood itself.

Jude Kingery
05-18-2007, 3:23 AM
Hey Chuck, I can't help you much with the poly gel; I tried it once and didn't like it, but I do like the liquid polyurethane wipeon. No runs or drips, very nice finish. Might try that. Just a suggestion. Jude

Jim Becker
05-18-2007, 9:14 AM
Using a wipe-on varnish is not the same as applying oil. For the latter, you generally use a liberal coat and wipe of the excess. For the wipe-on varnish, you are merely using a wipe-on technique instead of a brush...you do not saturate; rather, you apply an even coat (which is very thin) with your lint-free towel or rag. Be sure to dispose of your rag/towel safely as anything with oil and wadded up can have spontaneous combustion as the finish cures.

I can't help with comment on the gel poly product you ask about...I don't use poly nor have I tried a gel formula.

And another hint: make your own wipe-on finish. Why pay someone extra to sell you thinned varnish, which is all the wipe-on product in a can is? Mix regular "brushing" varnish of your choice 50/50 with mineral spirits to make your own wiping varnish.

Howard Acheson
05-18-2007, 11:19 AM
>> Are you supposed to saturate the piece and then essentially wipe off nearly all the gel?

Are you using a gel or a wipe on poly? If a gel, follow whatever the label directions say.

If it is a wipe on poly, you wipe it on using a rag that is not overly soaked with the finish. Think of the kid in Denny's who wipes off your table. Put the wipe on varnish on the same way. It should not leave obviously wet spots. Wipe on poly is put on thin and is not wiped off.