View Full Version : Question 36" BS

Robert Waddell
05-15-2007, 8:04 PM
A friend of mine bought a Tannewitz 36" bandsaw the other day. (He's not a computer kinda guy so I'm posting his issue for him.) It has a 5hp, 17amp, 220V 3ph motor. He hooked it up to a 30amp 3ph circuit with 10 gauge wire. It seems that on start up it kicks the breaker before achieving run speed. He has been able to get it going by jogging it on and off several times which gets the wheel momentium going without the full load force on the circuit. After doing this he has run it for awhile and cut with it without tripping the breaker. He would like to know what he needs to do to get this wrinkle worked out so he can enjoy cutting with his big toy. Any insight would be appreciated

Jim Becker
05-15-2007, 9:10 PM
Sounds like it has a much bigger appetite on start up, either by design or by something causing startup to take more effort. Maybe the breaker is over sensitive or needs to be a different type if the circuit is rated correctly. Suggest he consult with a licensed electrician on that.

Tom Hamilton
05-15-2007, 9:15 PM
Robert, you might direct your friend to OWWM.com. (Old Woodworking Machines) These folks are the experts on all matter of issues dealing with OWWM.

Good luck, Tom

Andrew Williams
05-15-2007, 9:15 PM
Does the motor spin freely on it's bearings?

Robert Waddell
05-15-2007, 10:25 PM
Thanks Tom. I forgot about that site. I don't own any big old arn!
Andrew I'll ask him if he's checked that. Very well could be the problem on a old machine like this.