View Full Version : Beale Buffing

Jim Tobias
01-04-2004, 1:14 AM
Does anyone have any helpful hints or tips for using the Beale Buffing system? I received it for a Christmas gift and have made a couple of small items to try it out on. The directions say to put on a coat or two of Danish oil or Antique Oil finish first and then use the Beale Buffing wheels with compounds. Does the finish need to cure for a long period before applying the wax, etc. I have not use a wax type finish before and wanted to draw on the experience of this group before diving in.


Kevin Gerstenecker
01-04-2004, 8:13 AM
Jim, I have the Beall System, and I love it, you will too. I have used Minwax Antique Oil finish and Tung Oil with the Beall System, and I let it cure at least 24 hours before buffing. Some wood, such as Cherry, will shine up really nice with no finish at all, just buffed with the Beall. Follow the instructions with the Beall Kit when loading the buffing wheels with the various compounds, and it will do the trick for ya. I find a light touch and not too much compound work the best. As the directions state, once you get the wheels loaded good with compound, very little is needed to maintain the wheels. The Beall sure does a nice job, I am very happy with the results if provides. Good luck, and Welcome to the Creek! :)

Terry Quiram
01-04-2004, 8:53 AM

Whenever I use any oil finish I always let the finish cure for a couple of days before I take it to the buffs. Don't be overly aggressive with the Tripoli you can reintroduce scratches. Don't use White Diamond on dark wood as you will end up with white in the pours of the wood. Walnut and Mahogany will show white diamond very clearly (damhikt). Make sure you follow the instructions for wax closely. Its easy to apply too much.


Richard Allen
01-04-2004, 1:28 PM
Hi Jim

You will get a LOT of fuzz the first few times you use the wheels. This is normal.

Tripoli is very agresive. Watch how you hold the wood and the angle of atack. The force of the buffing should push the object into your grip. Any other approach will YANK the piece from your grip!

Tripoli should only be used on light color woods like maple with a film finish.

Good Luck
