View Full Version : Bandsaw?

Ron Hedrick
05-14-2007, 8:40 AM
I'm sure this has been asked before. So, I will apologize in advance. I am looking forward to buying a new bandsaw. I am planning on spending on $500.00 to high $600.00. As an example I am looking at the W1706 Shop Fox or the 90-125 M1 General International. Are these good models or does anyone have any better saws that they would recommend.

Don Bullock
05-14-2007, 9:36 AM
I have the Craftsman 22401 14" band saw. Right now it's back on sale for $469.99 so it's at the lower end of your price range.


Ron Hedrick
05-14-2007, 3:00 PM
Thanks Don. I think I need to check my underarm deodorant. This has received only one response.

Greg Cole
05-14-2007, 3:17 PM
Not sure what you have in mind for the bandsaw. But if you plan on doing much resawing with it, I would look to go a 1/2 step bigger. The extra 1/2 or 1 HP will mean alot if you resaw any sizeable lumber or any dense hard cutting stock.
As said so many times here, the most expensize tools are the ones you buy more than once. :rolleyes:
I have a 17" Grizzly that I will be a long time in wearing out or ever considering an upgrade. I had considered a 14", but decided on going big or going home...LOL


P.S. - Did you actually smell your arm pits? LOLOL

Brad Townsend
05-14-2007, 3:59 PM
Hi Ron. I don't think it's that your question is being ignored. It's just a little hard to know where to start in responding. As you can tell from the two previous responses, there are bandsaws, and then there are bandsaws. Both Don and Greg make excellent suggestions. It just depends on how you are going to use it once you get it.

If you think you might be doing a lot of resawing, then you should take Greg's advice and buy the biggest, baddest saw you can afford. Buy it once, take care of it and you will have it forever.

On the other hand, if you plan on resawing only occassionally, Don's suggestion is excellent. I have had the same saw for over a year and it's probably as much saw as I will need for a very long time. Some will look at you with scorn when you say "Craftsman", as the name has a somewhat questionable reputation with power tools. However, this saw is one they got right. (You can always put a piece of duct tape over the logo.:D

Eddie Darby
05-14-2007, 4:31 PM
This might prove to be helpful:


If you shop around, you can get the top pick Rikon 10-325 for around $500.

Burt Alcantara
05-14-2007, 4:45 PM
I bought the Grizzly 0555 with the riser kit. For the first 2 years it did everything and more. However, I got into turning. Turning involves cutting logs and shaping large pieces of green wood. While resawing a board is usually no problem provided you take your time, slicing up a log is a whole different matter.

I've put logs on the table that begin tipping the BS. On the larger logs the blade flexes enough to make the blade scream. If you've ever been to NY and taken the subway to Wall street then you'll be familiar with that sound. (train screaching around a very tight turn).

I'm still hacking away at my logs but I am looking at a larger saw. What I'm trying to get across is, look at what you do now and try to look ahead. You have a pretty good selection of bandsaws in your price range.

I don't use my table saw that much. I could see selling it if I got a bigger bandsaw and reverting to a circular saw or jig saw to cut sheet goods.

As usual, YMMV,

richard poitras
05-14-2007, 4:52 PM
If you are trying to keep to that price, way not get something used that way you can get into something bigger?

Kermit Hodges
05-14-2007, 5:42 PM
Best bang for the buck is a used bandsaw. Since this appears to be your first, I would say watch for a used Delta 14". The vintage ones are just as good (In my opinion somewhat better) than the new ones.

Most any good brand that has not been abused will serve you well.


Don Bullock
05-14-2007, 8:29 PM
Thanks Don. I think I need to check my underarm deodorant. This has received only one response.

Your deodorant is just fine.:eek: :D

As has been said by others, the choice mainly depends on what you plan to do and if you're willing to by a used saw. Others have given you some good options. By searching the forums you will end up with even more. Good luck.

Ron Hedrick
05-14-2007, 10:36 PM
Thanks to all who responded. I think that you have given me some serious food for thought. I think that I will start looking at used equipment. It seems that may be the way to go. I'm not in any big hurry.

John Williamson
05-15-2007, 10:19 AM
I'll second the recommendation on the Craftsman. If you aren't in a hurry watch for the on-line sales that Sears does every so often. I bought mine for 20% off with the in store pick up option to save the shipping cost. Final price was $399 plus local sales tax.

Ralph Lindberg
05-15-2007, 12:39 PM
I'm sure this has been asked before. So, I will apologize in advance. I am looking forward to buying a new bandsaw. I am planning on spending on $500.00 to high $600.00. As an example I am looking at the W1706 Shop Fox or the 90-125 M1 General International. Are these good models or does anyone have any better saws that they would recommend.

I am looking at the same basic area of band-saws.

The Shop Fox is the same case, but a smaller motor, then the Grizzly 0555X (Shop Fox and Grizzly are the same firm but sometimes sell different lines).

The Grizzly also has a (IMO) better fence. Yes it is $575 rather then $530, but you get 50% more power.

I also looked at the Grizzly 555, but it has the same motor and fence as the Shop Fox, and I want the power.

I also looked at the Grizzly 0457 (for $795), with it's 2 HP motor, but is uses an odd size blade that only Grizzly sells (or any custom blade source).

I also looked at Delta, Powermatic, WoodTek and Jet. Right now, I'm leaning towards the Grizzly.