View Full Version : SawStop Anchoring

John Young
05-11-2007, 7:29 PM
I received a SawStop that I will be installing at work. So this is in no way a gloat. I noticed that the base has no means of anchoring it to the floor. The cabinet has an enclosed bottom with no access to the floor. We usually anchor our equipment so it doesn't get moved around and remains level. I will be making brackets to anchor it. I am going to also make a platform to set it on to raise it up to the level of infeed and outfeed roller conveyors which are anchored to the floor. Does anyone anchor their table saws to the floor after leveling? My home saw is on a mobile base.

Cliff Rohrabacher
05-11-2007, 9:46 PM
It's heavy it won't go anywhere.
I am a bit puzzled at the anchoring preference. I am guessing you don't have heavy equipment. after many years in machine shops I have never needed to anchor a machine to the floor.
The machinery was are all heavy enough that it'd have been pointless and I think the saw stop will be too.

Steve Clardy
05-11-2007, 10:05 PM
Never anchor anything

Don Bullock
05-12-2007, 12:59 AM
Mine all have to be on mobile bases. It takes a lot of effort to move my SawStop.

David Giles
05-12-2007, 2:04 PM
The consensus seems to be that anchoring isn't necessary. But if you insist, you might level the saw and pour a little epoxy at each corner. Unless you ever want to move it again.

mark page
05-12-2007, 4:19 PM
Never had to anchor a Uni and the SS is heavier than the Uni. And that's doing a lot of large panel work. From what little I have seen on the SS, they are a lot smoother than the Uni's too. I have yet to get my hands on a SS but trying to get down to Roy's place locally to see in action. The disection on a display model just making me salivate!!!:D

David Eisan
05-12-2007, 5:04 PM
The consensus seems to be that anchoring isn't necessary.

Try telling that to a safety committee.

Most schools and businesses I deal with as a tool monger want everything anchored to the floor.


John Young
05-12-2007, 5:47 PM
At our business everything without wheels is anchored due to our safety consiouness. I just think it is odd not to have a means to anchor a table saw. While setting up the saw today, I noticed that it does not take much of a shove or bumping into for it to shift. We have an epoxy floor coating and the saw will slide a lot better than if it were on unfinished concrete. If the saw moves, the extension table can get out of alignment due to floor uneveness. By anchoring the saw, the chance of having to level up the extension is minimal. Also it will maintain the relationship with the infeed and outfeed roller conveyors which are not bolted to the saw.

By the way, the set-up was almost dead on out of the crate. I was pleasently surprised and highly impressed as I went through the set-up. Now if I just had more than half a two car garage, one of these might find it way home.

Andrew Williams
05-12-2007, 6:13 PM
Why not call SS and ask them? You could certainly use angle iron on the outside, tapped into the lowest section of the cabinet. Will look mighty ugly but...rules are rules. How about putting it on a rubber mat instead?

Kelly C. Hanna
05-12-2007, 7:37 PM
What Clardy said...never even heard of it.

Ken Milhinch
05-13-2007, 5:56 AM
I presume by "level" you mean sitting firmly on all four corners. You don't mean putting a spirit level on it do you ?