View Full Version : Another Lesson

Pete Jordan
05-11-2007, 3:56 PM
A friend of mine saw the Boxelder bowl I made for my coach and said his wife would really like one. I had a couple of rough outs left so I said sure.

I finished the inside and started the bottom but the vacuum chuck would not hold. I finally surmised it was the knothole so I filled it with CA and the vacuum held well. After finishing the bottom I took it off the chuck to find CA all over the inside of the bowl (doh!) I guess they call it a vacuum for a reason:eek:

The bowl is 7 by 3.5 and finished with Behlens Woodturner's finish.

Nancy Laird
05-11-2007, 4:03 PM
But it sure is a pretty bowl!!! Guess you had to refinish the inside, huh? I love that boxelder!!


Bill Wyko
05-11-2007, 4:15 PM
Nice piece and a great piece of wood too.

Bernie Weishapl
05-11-2007, 4:35 PM
Beautiful bowl Pete. Little extra finishing by hand wouldn't be bad. I really like the wood. Nice job Pete.

Jim Ketron
05-11-2007, 5:32 PM
Blue Painters tape works great to cover up voids and such for using a vac system.
Nice Bowl!

Steve Schlumpf
05-11-2007, 7:42 PM
Very nice bowl Pete! Simple form, great finish and beautiful wood! Nice work!

Tom Sherman
05-12-2007, 6:43 AM
Well done Pete

Patrick Taylor
05-12-2007, 7:13 PM
I've been working some very wet B.E. lately, and the pith is being a MAJOR pain. How did you finish the pith so nicely in yours? (I'm assuming that's the pith near the rim on the right in the second picture)

Pete Jordan
05-12-2007, 9:08 PM

I rough it out and then soak it in DNA and dry for 3 weeks following the directions from Dennis Peacock in the Articles.
When I first got the BE, I tried to finish it wet with no success. I gave up on using it but I was not DNA ing it. Now I like working with it.

Good Luck!

Patrick Taylor
05-12-2007, 11:23 PM

I rough it out and then soak it in DNA and dry for 3 weeks following the directions from Dennis Peacock in the Articles.
When I first got the BE, I tried to finish it wet with no success. I gave up on using it but I was not DNA ing it. Now I like working with it.

Good Luck!
I've not been DNA'ing any roughed blanks these days, just putting them on the shelf. Maybe I'll try soak with one of the BE's. Thanks!