View Full Version : spalted Maple Hf please CRITIQUE

Bob Hallowell
05-10-2007, 5:51 PM
This is now my third HF, I have tried to take some suggestions from Travis and Jim. I feel this is by far my best one yet.

I got the wood from Bill at pennswoods. It's splated wormy sugar maple. It measures 8 1/2 x 3 3/4. with a couple coats of antique oil and buffed. I also burnt the collar with a soldering iron.

Please critique this either good or bad as I am trying to learn. If you feel you don't want to say anything bad in public feel free to pm me.


Philip Duffy
05-10-2007, 6:13 PM
I think its Great! You made it and take a bunch of pride with you to the bank! Phil

William Fourness
05-10-2007, 6:37 PM
Must say it looks alot different then I saw it last Bob. Sure looks very nice. Don't stop now keep turning, I got the bandsaw fired up and I am making sawdust and the next trip you'll see we got a bunch of new goodies. And anybody else going to be pass through and would like to stop and kick a lil sawdust around, I am usually here. Again great looking hollow form Bob. I still waiting on that nice figured Maple pepper mill blank and that big sweet figured Ash blank yet. Keeping turning there getting better each one you do.


Bernie Weishapl
05-10-2007, 7:19 PM
Bob that is a beauty. I really like the wood and form. Nice job.

Jim Ketron
05-10-2007, 8:27 PM
Bob It looks Great!
Nice form and Finish, Well Done!

Nancy Laird
05-10-2007, 8:30 PM
Bob, I can't find anything to critique, only to compliment. I love the form, I love the finish, I love the burning, and I LOVE that wood. Good job. The only thing I don't like about it is that it's there, and I'm here!!!


Steve Schlumpf
05-10-2007, 9:08 PM
Bob - seriously nice HF! I like the form - it's simple and doesn't compete with the wood. Finish allows the wood to be seen without fighting with harsh glare. The worm holes add a lot of charactor to an already interesting spalted piece. Overall - very nice work! Keep doing what you are doing!

Jim Becker
05-10-2007, 9:40 PM
I think it's fine as-is. About the only thing that could possibly improve this type of "flat" pot is to make it more symmetrical top and bottom given there is no real noticeable "uplift" at the rim opening. Do some solid examples in scrap that are variations on this theme (they can even be much smaller for this exercise), paint them flat black and sit them on a shelf side by side for viewing. Consider what looks best to you and try that form for your next one. It could very well be exactly the same!

Mark Pruitt
05-11-2007, 9:14 AM
Well done, Bob!

Benjamin Dahl
05-11-2007, 9:34 AM
bob, that is great. I like the form and the wood.

Rich Stewart
05-11-2007, 9:34 AM
I really like that wood. The finish is beautiful. That continuous curve is right on. I think the hole in the top is a little too abrupt. Is that the word I am looking for? Ummm. Something about the opening in the top . Maybe a collar in ebony or something? Great piece!

Frank Kobilsek
05-11-2007, 10:09 AM
Very Nice overall shape and finish. Outstanding wood. I got an order into Bill yesterday and can't wait to see it.

Two ideas:

First, Jim might be on to something. There is a pinch of lift at the opening. I think if the reverse radius going into the opening lip was sharper it would add some draw to the center of the piece.

Second, This would have been an outstanding piece to inlay all those little holes with Tourquise. It is a time consuming process and once you start you have to do every hole regardless how big or small but on this chunk of wood people would go gah gah. It is fine without it and you might not like that look, just an opportunity.

Overall its outstanding for a 3rd HF of your turning carreer. Keep it up.


Bob Hallowell
05-11-2007, 11:41 AM
Thanks for all the comments well it looks like a few don't like the top. I have been debating the whole time wether to make a collar for it. maybe I will make one and sit it on there for some pics to see what guys think.


Blake McCully
05-11-2007, 12:41 PM
Great piece. Regarding the top, and the no float bottom, check out David Ellsworth's site. That pot is very Ellsworthian, is that a word?, Anyway, you got something real nice there.

I made a mistake when I took DE's workshop. I bought his larger hollowing tools but when I got home, What did I do that for? I should have gotten the smaller ones.

We'll have to get together again some time.


P.S. Thanks for the comments on the pepper mills.

Frank Kobilsek
05-11-2007, 1:57 PM
Please don't take my comment about the top too critically. It is a very nice piece. I always get nervous with these critiques. Most of the time I see the picture and think yep that's nice and other times I think thats great but what if ...

I do the same to my own and its starting to bug me that my wife just loves every I make. I wish see could say what if ... once in a while.


Bob Hallowell
05-11-2007, 5:22 PM
I ask for and wanted poeple's opinoins. Thank you don't feel bad about it. By the way I was thinking about trying a collar on it when the thing was still spinning. I will make an ebony one tonight and just set it on and see what the loml and I think. if we like it I will post a pic and maybe some people can tell me which way they like it best.


Travis Stinson
05-11-2007, 10:11 PM
Looks super Bob, great job with the form! :cool:

Bob Hallowell
05-11-2007, 11:34 PM
Thanks, Travis I tried to go more with the form you outlined for me before.

I made an ebony collar and the Misses likes it better with the collar but I haven't glued it on yet cause I haven't made my mind up yet. Please tell me what you guys think.

Nancy Laird
05-11-2007, 11:37 PM
Bob, I agree with LOYL - I really like the collar - somehow the ebony brings out the black of the spalting. Glue it on!!


Ed Scolforo
05-12-2007, 6:14 AM
Bob, beautifully done! I agree that the collar gives it more life.

Tom Sherman
05-12-2007, 7:18 AM
Bob I think the collar does it justice, I would like to see what it would look like with just a bit less edge on the collar. But it is great the way it is.

Jim Ketron
05-12-2007, 8:42 AM
I think it's a toss up.
Great job on the collar and I think it looks great both ways, but if the wife likes it with the collar thats what I would go with!:D ;)

Jonathon Spafford
05-15-2007, 1:31 AM
Wow... first I really don't see anything wrong with this HF... it is beautiful! The mouth is a debatable issue... might look a little better without the "uplift" like Jim was talking about, but it is such a minute detail! It looks so gorgeous with that collar on that I would glue it on there! Really brings out the spalting! Awesome work!

Keith Burns
05-15-2007, 8:52 AM
Bob, this is a great piece either way. I personally like it without the collar:) :)