View Full Version : cut-off bin

Ed Gray
01-02-2004, 10:01 PM
Hello everyone and Happy New Year,

I was hoping to get some ideas for a cut-off bin. I would like to have something for short 1-3 ft pieces. I finally got my shop cleaned up after the Christmas Gift rush, but I need to do something with all the cut-offs lying everywhere. I am new to this forum and look forward to sharing info with all of you in the future.

Ed Gray

David Perkins
01-02-2004, 10:26 PM
Here's a link to what I built and I added small swivel rollers for mobility.


Ed Gray
01-02-2004, 10:37 PM
Here's a link to what I built and I added small swivel rollers for mobility.


http://www.woodmagazine.com/default.sph/wcontent_user.class?FNC=story__Asub_category1_html ___7___47___129___452

David, the link didn't work, or it may be my computer (kinda old) if you built it from the wood mag maybe you can let me know which issue. I have all the Wood mags since '85.

Thanks, Ed

David Perkins
01-02-2004, 10:56 PM
Sorry I must have pasted what I shouldn't have. I got it from the December of 1993 issue and they have it on line right now at no cost.

Jerry Todd
01-02-2004, 11:38 PM
Hello everyone and Happy New Year,

I was hoping to get some ideas for a cut-off bin. I would like to have something for short 1-3 ft pieces. I finally got my shop cleaned up after the Christmas Gift rush, but I need to do something with all the cut-offs lying everywhere. I am new to this forum and look forward to sharing info with all of you in the future.

Ed Gray

Hey Ed,
This is what I just built a few weeks ago.

Chris DiCiaccio
01-03-2004, 10:02 AM
Hello everyone and Happy New Year,

I was hoping to get some ideas for a cut-off bin. I would like to have something for short 1-3 ft pieces. I finally got my shop cleaned up after the Christmas Gift rush, but I need to do something with all the cut-offs lying everywhere. I am new to this forum and look forward to sharing info with all of you in the future.

Ed Gray

This is the best photo I had. The cart is on wheels, it has three rows of sections: two lower on either side and one taller between them. It has worked great for these type cut-offs. That is Carmen telling me that "diss ess wuod paw paw"

<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/CARMEN2.JPG">

Dave Avery
01-03-2004, 11:50 AM
I shamelessly modified the design that Jerry made. Mine's a little bigger - 6 feet wide by 30" deep and 40" high in the back. I also added a set of bins for smaller scrap in front. I use the bin for cut-off storage, storage of vacuum press cauls, and clamp storage. It isn't pretty, but it works pretty well. Dave.

Waymon Campbell
01-03-2004, 3:26 PM
Hey Chris...

Nice looking littler "hepper" you got there. The apron is too cute. You must be very proud.


Ken Robb
01-03-2004, 8:55 PM
Sorry I must have pasted what I shouldn't have. I got it from the December of 1993 issue and they have it on line right now at no cost.


I looked of WOOD's website, but could not find plans for a cutoffbin. The only free plans were for a toy truck.


David Perkins
01-03-2004, 9:07 PM
I am unable to make the link work.
But if you go to woodonline.com then wood magazine,scroll down to woodworking basics then to woodworking projects its about 1/4 of the way down.
cut off bin (http://www.woodmagazine.com/default.sph/wcontent_user.class?FNC=subcat__AcategoryS_html___ 7___47___129)