View Full Version : Maple Bowl - Pic

Dennis Peacock
05-07-2007, 4:11 PM
Here is a Maple bowl that I've done as well. This bowl is 10-7/8" across by 3-1/4" tall with wall thickness at about 3/16". Finish is Antique Oil and lightly buffed.

Keith Burns
05-07-2007, 4:14 PM
Okay Dennis, tell the truth, Joseph really turned this and let you post it and take the credit. Right ? :rolleyes: Oh, well I'm glad to see you haven't lost your touch. Another winner !

Robert McGowen
05-07-2007, 4:30 PM
Looks like the perfect popcorn size. I have to ask though, is that a chainsaw blade across the top there? :rolleyes:

Dennis Peacock
05-07-2007, 4:44 PM
Looks like the perfect popcorn size. I have to ask though, is that a chainsaw blade across the top there? :rolleyes:

LOL!!! Nope....it's a bark inclusion that I decided to leave there for extra "character". :D

Tom Sherman
05-07-2007, 4:44 PM
Looks like the perfect popcorn size. I have to ask though, is that a chainsaw blade across the top there? :rolleyes:

I thought the same thing Robert, Keith I think the truth is that Joseph is really putting on the pressure on the old man.

Very nice bowl though

Dennis Peacock
05-07-2007, 4:47 PM
I thought the same thing Robert, Keith I think the truth is that Joseph is really putting on the pressure on the old man.

Very nice bowl though

Robert / Tom.....

Ya know....with Joseph getting all the lathe time now days and is ALWAYS wanting on the lathe...I hardly get time to get "on" the lathe any more. Joseph is always coming in the shop looking for some wood to turn. :eek: :D

Tom Sherman
05-07-2007, 4:51 PM
Dennis that is soo cool. Better to have to ration lathe time than wonder where and what he's up to. And judging by his latest post he has quite a bit of talent, won't be long he'll be giving you pointers. What a trade.

Dennis Peacock
05-07-2007, 4:57 PM
Dennis that is soo cool. Better to have to ration lathe time than wonder where and what he's up to. And judging by his latest post he has quite a bit of talent, won't be long he'll be giving you pointers. What a trade.

Ya know Tom....I'm "very" proud of Joseph and how quickly he has picked up the deal of turning wood. He does display talent and I expect that after he gets more time on the lathe, he'll show me a thing or two. :D

Nancy Laird
05-07-2007, 5:22 PM
Dennis, that bowl is beautiful!! Is that the rough-out that I saw when I was there? Turned out very nice.

You know, of course, that it's time to buy another lathe for Joseph?? Come on, dad, bite the bullet!!! Better a lathe than a motorcycle!! At least the lathe would keep him home!


Bernie Weishapl
05-07-2007, 10:59 PM
Dennis the bowl is beautifu. I really like the form and wood. Nice job.

Now get that boy his own mustard.:cool:;):rolleyes:

Jonathon Spafford
05-08-2007, 2:58 AM
Another great looking bowl! Gotta try this antique oil stuff! Makes for a nice finish!

Jim Ketron
05-08-2007, 6:33 PM
Nice Bowl Dennis!

Steve Schlumpf
05-09-2007, 8:54 AM
Nice simple - clean - bowl Dennis! The bark inclusion gives the bowl some flair! I like it!

05-09-2007, 6:03 PM
After seeing his son's p'can bowl, I think maybe he just put his name on his son's bowl and posted it. Come clean, your son turned that didn't he. You should be ashamed, taking credit for such a nice bowl! Go stand in a corner and punish yourself!:D

Really nice job, I thought the leaveout was a chainsaw blip as well. I love the smooth transition at the base. TOO COOOL