View Full Version : Help locating fire extinguishers

Mario Lucchesi
05-07-2007, 2:08 PM
I am working on getting my shop set up and need to put some fire extinguishers in it. I have no idea how many, where and what size to get. The shop is roughly 48X 32 for the main shop floor and a 12X 24 office area. Where do I go to get information? I asked a retired fire chief and he said that he has been retired too long to answer. Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Steve Roxberg
05-07-2007, 2:19 PM
I willing to bet any local fire station could answer your question. I can't help beyond that, but thanks for the reminder that I should get mine updated.

Dennis Peacock
05-07-2007, 2:25 PM
Dry Chem or CO2 types are preferred inside the shop due to electrical and various chemicals you may have in the shop. An extinguisher should be located near each exit door and easily seen from most any location within that room. At least 10 pound extinguishers should be kept in the shop. Go bigger if you can. More is better in case of a real shop fire.

jeremy levine
05-07-2007, 2:35 PM

I would put one near all the entry/exits ABC or BC (CO2 or dry chem ) type about 5 or 10 pound

Don Bullock
05-07-2007, 3:42 PM
Great question and a good reminder for all of us.

glenn bradley
05-07-2007, 4:15 PM
I can't speak for those who know better but I can reach a fire extinguisher in 5 steps from anywhere in my shop. They're inexpensive and I'm perfectly OK if they run down without me ever having to have used them before replacing / charging.

Richard M. Wolfe
05-07-2007, 4:33 PM
I would go with what Steve said and check with the local fire department.

You didn't say whether this is a commercial operation but from the size of the shop it sounds like it, and that may affect the requirements. Be sure to have adequate fire protection to satisfy insurance requirements also.