View Full Version : SawMill Creek Stats for December 2003

Keith Outten
01-02-2004, 1:06 AM
Here are the site statistics for SawMill Creek for December 2003.

Kent Cori
01-02-2004, 10:46 AM
Wow!! This site is more popular than I had even thought and its popularity is clearly growing. Keith, you are providing a great service for all of us woodworkers. We really appreciate the work you, Ken and othes have done on our behalf.

What is the definition of "hits". Why is it so much higher than the number of visits? Is it just the number of times a posting is brought up?

Thanks again.

Aaron Koehl
01-02-2004, 4:47 PM
What is the definition of "hits". Why is it so much higher than the number of visits? Is it just the number of times a posting is brought up?

These stats are generated from our webserver logs.

Any request made to the webserver which is logged is considered a 'hit'. When a page is loaded that contains buttons, for instance, the HTML page itself is considered a hit, and each image on the page is considered another hit. Thus, the hit count provides a measure of 'incoming request' traffic for the site.

Contrast this to Files, which is incremented each time a file (page or image) is sent out--a count of 'outgoing' traffic.

The Pages count is incremented each time an HTML page is downloaded- that is, each time a post is viewed, a PM is sent, et cetera.
While the hit count provides a measure of request traffic, each time a member goes to our site, a visit is registered. Within each visit, a member will typically generate several hundred hits.

Whenever a request is made to the server from a given IP address, the amount of time since a previous request by that address is calculated. If the time difference is greater than a specified amount, it is considered a 'new visit', and this total is incremented.

In other words, when I finish reading all 266 of these new posts (!!) I will only generate 1 visit. If I come back a few hours later, I will generate another single visit.

Hope this helps!
