View Full Version : The "REAL" Big Bang

steven carter
05-04-2007, 10:25 AM
I was roughing out green oak bowl about 10" x 5" making the final cuts on the inside, when the bowl blew up. It split almost right through the center of the bowl. Half of the bowl hit me in the left shoulder - ouch! It was sore for a couple of weeks but OK now. My workshop is in part of my garage that has a drywall ceiling. A couple of days later, after a windy night, I found some stuff on the floor, that I couldn't identify - it wasn't wood. Finally figured it out when I looked up and saw a hole in the ceiling and some blown insulation. I guess my shoulder wasn't the only thing hit by the flying bowl. The bowl looked like one of the bowls in my Raffan book where he cuts it in half to see how even the walls are. Actually I was pretty even. Not wanting to waste the bowl, I glued it back together with carpenters glue and thought LOML could use it as a flower pot. It seems pretty sturdy, I wonder if it would be save to put it back on the lathe to sand a little. It seems to have dried pretty well. Anyone ever glue one that was completely apart and then re mount? Or am I just asking to be hit with oak again?

05-04-2007, 10:41 AM
Probably looking to be hit again! The only way I would remount it would be to sand at very low speed. Like less than 200 rpm. Good luck and that just goes to show the beauty of a face shield. Have fun.

Rich Stewart
05-04-2007, 11:35 AM
I have had glue joints that were stronger than the surrounding wood. I would chuck it up and try it again.

Ken LaSota
05-04-2007, 1:31 PM
Ive used thick CA glue and have finished turning at a low speed and then sanding.

Bernie Weishapl
05-04-2007, 2:03 PM
I have glued them with carpenters glue and rechucked. The glue joint is stronger than the wood.