View Full Version : Workbench considerations for lefties and toolwell question

Kevin Murdock
01-01-2004, 3:41 PM
Hi All,

I'm finally going to build a true workbench when I move into my new home with 2 car garage/workshop.

Most workbenches seem to have the front mounted vice on the left end and the end vice on the right side. Given that most are right handed, should I consider switching the layout?

I've not worked on a bench with built-in vices and the like so I have no personal opinions or habits on the matter... So I'm looking for input from the fellow lefties of the world.

Also... as an aside, I'm curious as to folks opinions on either having a tool well in the rear off the tabletop or maximizing the space and keeping it all solid.

I have to admit, I'm not sure what you do with the tool well. Do you pile up frequently used tools in there? I would think that it could become a bit of a wastecan for shavings and scraps so I'm not sure I'd want my tools down there too! :D :confused:

Thanks for your time,

Mike Cutler
01-01-2004, 5:13 PM
Kevin. I can't really answer the question of where to mount the vises because I'm not left handed. As for the question on the tool well I have a slightly different answer. My current bench is 34"x99" and dead flat, a couple of weeks ago I was working on a table, and I unintentionally created a 6" wide well that was 1 1/2" deep that ran the length of the table, when I had to stack some long pieces of MDF on top of the table. What an eye opener! Normally I am constantly moving tools aside when I'm working on a project on top of the bench, not this time tho' that small well kept virtually all the tools out of the way and being only 6" wide I still had plenty of flat space available. Based on this accidental happenening my bench will be modified in the near future to permanently add this "unintentional tool well"

Todd Burch
01-01-2004, 5:13 PM
Hi Kevin. I'm a lefty too. I put a face vise on the right end of my worksurface. It works fine there for me.

I don't do enough handle tool work to warrant a tool well. If I'm going to take up that much real estate, I want maximum surface area that is flat to hold projects for assembly, glueups, etc.


Dave Bartley
01-01-2004, 6:45 PM
I have built several work benches for others over the past few years. When asked that question you posed, the first question I ask them is are you going to use the work bench for assembly? If they are, then I install a flip down drawer they can keep tools in. If it is to be a work bench only, then I would suggest a tool well.

As for the left or right side for the vise, I feel it is a personal preferance and should be mounted accordingly. The same would apply if an end vise is to be used.

Another .02 heard from