View Full Version : Tool Cabinet Gloat

Jeff Wright
05-02-2007, 1:36 PM
I'm nearly finished building a medium sized hanging tool cabinet. I still need to rub out the shellac finish and build and install individual wooden tool hangers inside the cabinet. The design is a modification of a plan featured in FWW some time ago. My space did not allow for a cabinet as high as the one in the article, but I did expand its width to take advantage of my space above my bench.

The inside doors are not so much doors as they are a means to increase the interior surface area for mounting more tools. I've not yet mounted any tools; I'm waiting until I have a bit more woodworking experience under my belt so I know what tools I must buy. In the meantime, the tools are just kinda jumbled inside the cabinet.

I lined the drawers with cork to discourage damaging any fragile bits, blades or delicate surfaces. I may cover the floor of the cubby holes in case I store future hand planes there.

The cabinet was glued up into a box (used box joints made on my Woodpecker router table), and then the top was cut off on the slider table. The piano hinge installed without a hitch. The wood used varied. I call it my wood sampler cabinet: high quality A-1 maple ply, Lowe's 3/4" birch ply, poplar, and sande ply from Lowe's. At least now I will have a reference if I want to know what each looks like for future projects.

Four 1/4" tapcons mount the cabinet to my block wall. It's my hope the 1/2" maple ply back is sufficient to keep the thing on the wall without going bump in the night.

I used the project to familiarize myself with the new tools in my recently put together 2-car garage workshop. Next projects include a garage cabinet for my wife's china painting supplies. I am using these projects to determine what methods I will use to build our new kitchen cabinets.

Additional photos follow in the next post:

Jeff Wright
05-02-2007, 1:37 PM
Here are the rest of the photos:

Steve Clardy
05-02-2007, 2:01 PM
Nice looking tool cab Jeff ;) :D

Don Bullock
05-02-2007, 2:31 PM
I'm nearly finished building a medium sized hanging tool cabinet. ... The design is a modification of a plan featured in FWW some time ago. My space did not allow for a cabinet as high as the one in the article, but I did expand its width to take advantage of my space above my bench.

Great job fitting the plans to your situation. It fits nicely. I really like how you placed the light directly above the cabinet.

... I've not yet mounted any tools; I'm waiting until I have a bit more woodworking experience under my belt so I know what tools I must buy. In the meantime, the tools are just kinda jumbled inside the cabinet.

That's a good idea. Now you can plan the interior to fit the tools later rather than planning it for tools that you'll never have.

I lined the drawers with cork to discourage damaging any fragile bits, blades or delicate surfaces. I may cover the floor of the cubby holes in case I store future hand planes there.

The cork lined drawers and cubby holes is an idea I'll have to remember. I wondered what you used when I saw the picture.

The cabinet was glued up into a box (used box joints made on my Woodpecker router table), and then the top was cut off on the slider table. The piano hinge installed without a hitch. The wood used varied. I call it my wood sampler cabinet: high quality A-1 maple ply, Lowe's 3/4" birch ply, poplar, and sande ply from Lowe's. At least now I will have a reference if I want to know what each looks like for future projects.

You did a fantastic job. That looks like a cabinet that you can grow with. Personally, I like the use if different woods in projects.

...I used the project to familiarize myself with the new tools in my recently put together 2-car garage workshop. Next projects include a garage cabinet for my wife's china painting supplies. I am using these projects to determine what methods I will use to build our new kitchen cabinets...

Another super idea. It sounds like a good one for me to do when I'm able to set up my shop in a few years after I retire and move.

Jeff, thanks for sharing your hanging tool cabinet pictures and explanation. I find posts like this to be very inspiring and useful. Now, I'll go back and look for the article on the Fine woodWorking website and put it in my notebook of shop ideas along with pictures of your cabinet.

Jeff Wright
05-02-2007, 2:36 PM
Now, I'll go back and look for the article on the Fine woodWorking website and put it in my notebook of shop ideas along with pictures of your cabinet.


Let me save you the trouble of looking . . . It's actually the Fine Woodworking's Tools And Shops Annual Issue, Winter 2006/2207 edition. The article is entitled Quick-to-Make Tool Cabinet by Jan Zoltowski. I also got some ideas from plans from Veritas called Hanging Tool Cabinet Plan, I think the item number is 05L18.01. I believe I ordered it from Lee Valley.

Thanks for you thoughtful comments.

Clint Winterhalter
05-02-2007, 2:46 PM

Great Job on the Tool Cabinet!

Make sure you post another picture once you fit in your tools etc!


glenn bradley
05-02-2007, 3:48 PM
Really great job Jeff. Adapting the plan to fit your space will really benefit you. I think you'll be very happy with that.

Jim Becker
05-02-2007, 3:49 PM
Really nice cabinet!!

Jack Hogoboom
05-02-2007, 4:29 PM
Really nice. That FWW plan is on my "to build" list, along with a million other things.


Charles Jackson III
05-02-2007, 4:31 PM
Very nice, work.

Don Bullock
05-02-2007, 4:56 PM

Let me save you the trouble of looking . . . It's actually the Fine Woodworking's Tools And Shops Annual Issue, Winter 2006/2207 edition. The article is entitled Quick-to-Make Tool Cabinet by Jan Zoltowski. I also got some ideas from plans from Veritas called Hanging Tool Cabinet Plan, I think the item number is 05L18.01. I believe I ordered it from Lee Valley.

Thanks for you thoughtful comments.

Super!!! I'll check it out when I get home.

Ron Fritz
05-02-2007, 7:52 PM
Hello Jeff, your cabinet looks great. I like the detailed joints on the drawers. Ron

Jeff Wright
05-02-2007, 8:16 PM
Hello Jeff, your cabinet looks great. I like the detailed joints on the drawers. Ron

Thanks Ron. They were made using the Incra fence and positioner system on a Woodpecker router table. Incidentally, I have the router table set to its highest height setting of about 42 inches and I find it to be a great height to work - no back strain or aches.

Bruce Page
05-02-2007, 9:18 PM
Got it filled up yet?

"Michael Hinkel"
05-02-2007, 10:12 PM
Very impressive.

Bart Leetch
05-03-2007, 12:43 AM

You did such a great job on that tool cabinet you have inspired me. Now I'm trying to figure out how to fit one into my shop. I got out the FWW magazine & went out & took measurments & figured out that I may be able to make one 32" tall & 28" wide when open.

Jeff Wright
05-03-2007, 8:06 AM

You did such a great job on that tool cabinet you have inspired me. Now I'm trying to figure out how to fit one into my shop. I got out the FWW magazine & went out & took measurments & figured out that I may be able to make one 32" tall & 28" wide when open.

Bart . . . the project is an enjoyable one and useful too! I've decided to screw rather than glue the tool mounts in case I want to later rearrange the inside storage layout. Be sure to use at least 1/2" ply for the back to give yourself something to screw the tool mounting wood pieces to.

Bart Leetch
05-03-2007, 11:00 AM
I like to lay back in bed & prop my elbows on the bed to read. So last night I lay there reading the article in FWW.

I kept going back & looking at the tools that are in the tool box in the picture. Hey I have one of those its stored over there & I have one of those its over there etc. I have a lot of tools all over the place. I don't think we realize all the tools & bits & pieces we have poked here & there in our shops.

Jeff how about posting the dimensions of your tool cabinet & some real good pictures after you get your tools installed showing the mounts & hangers you use to hold your tools in place.

Don Bullock
05-03-2007, 11:02 AM

...Fine Woodworking's Tools And Shops Annual Issue, Winter 2006/2207 edition. The article is entitled Quick-to-Make Tool Cabinet by Jan Zoltowski. ...

Now that I've gone back to look at the article I realize how much you changed from the original design. I'm even more impressed. That's a design I was very interested in making, but didn't like or need some of the features. Seeing your changes has shown me how flexible that design is. That's definately a project for my 'must do" list when I finally get an actual shop. Thanks.

Jeff Wright
05-03-2007, 11:03 AM
. . . Jeff how about posting the dimensions of your tool cabinet & some real good pictures after you get you tools installed showing the mounts & hangers you use to hold your tools in place.

Will do.

BTW, I fellow woodworker suggests expoxing the piano hinges into the ply edge grain to prevent it from pulling loose with a heavy loaded door of tools. Says he believes the weight on the doors over time will tend to pull the screws out.