View Full Version : Anyone have any experience with this compressor?

Larry Fox
05-01-2007, 3:54 PM
I really am at the point where I need to upgrade my spray outfit. I am currently using a 3-stage turbine with a syphon gun and want to switch over to a pressure-pot system. I am reasoning that for less than the cost of a turbine-based system I can go with a conversion outfit. However, that would mean that I need to upgrade my current compressor - which is not at all a bad thing.

Question, does anyone have any experience (good or otherwise) with the compressor below?


The price/feature ratio seems about in-line with where I would like to be. I need to verify that it is oil-less though.

Thanks in advance for your time . . ..


Jim Becker
05-01-2007, 4:48 PM
Look at the IR equivalent at TS...similar specs and a much better built product for a little more money.

John W Parker
05-01-2007, 7:08 PM
I have a coleman with the same specs. It works well for all my spraying needs. All the piston compressors of this type are oiled. Just use the proper filters in line. good luck.