View Full Version : Critique Applied - next ash NE Bowl

steven carter
05-01-2007, 2:21 PM
Thanks all for your constructive critique of my last bowl. I have tried to apply the recommendations I received, and thus my next bowl. I decided not to fix the previous bowl, but keep it as a comparison. I 86'd the foot and tried to align the high spots better. I plan on trying some of the finish recommendations as soon as I can procure a buffing system. I'm certainly not saying I have this perfected, so as always critique away. I'll try to keep listening and and applying suggestions. This one is 6"x4.5" sanded to 800.

Keith Burns
05-01-2007, 4:02 PM
Steven, I didn't critique your first one but I did look at it. This is a big improvement. Personally I'd like to see the foot smaller for a decorative piece. That being said you did a really nice job on this one.

Bernie Weishapl
05-01-2007, 4:10 PM
Yep they are getting better. I would also make a smaller foot. Steven great job. Keep'em coming.

Dennis Peacock
05-01-2007, 4:14 PM
Yup....looks good and an improvement. But like Keith said....You CAN do a nice decorative piece with a smaller foot. Just take your time and easy as she goes. ;)

Kaptan J.W. Meek
05-01-2007, 4:57 PM
Aww Yeeahh! Nice Ash!!

Frank Kobilsek
05-01-2007, 5:32 PM

I am not a critiquer but I gotta jump in. First it is amazing to me that you retained all the bark of both of your first NE bowls. This piece is more pleasing to my eye especially how well you balanced the top.

NE and buffing don't go together well in my book, again afraid of ripping off bark. Try a finish from your local hardware store Deft brushing laquer, Watco Danish oil and Minwax Antique are all availble at my local Ace Hardware. That way when you run out or open a 'hardened' can you can run to the store and not wait for one of the catalogs to ship you a can. On top of that hand buff some paste wax Briwax or Trewax are good or something your wife uses on the furniture will work.

Keep it up.


Jonathon Spafford
05-02-2007, 1:02 AM
Another great bowl... nice and thin and good finish! Everyone is saying to make the foot smaller; the pictures are a little grainy, but I ain't seein' a foot. Is it just me??? Anyway, great work - keep 'em comin'!

Raymond Overman
05-02-2007, 10:18 AM

From what I can see this natural edge looks nice. I like the lack of a foot and the string drop curve in the wall of the bowl looks nice. The wall thickness and finish are good as well.

You mentioned aligning the high spots. That works well for natural edges but is something that you can bend the rules on. For a straight grained wood like ash, I might have gone the other route and moved all edges out of alignment so that you had one high spot. Don't take this suggestion as a criticism for what you've done with this piece. Just look at it as a thinking point for another time.

I would like to see a better picture of this piece because I think you lost a few points in the presentation. Other than that, I think it's a fine piece. Good job.

Ken LaSota
05-02-2007, 4:55 PM
Steven great improvement I like the shape of this one and the finish.