View Full Version : video tour of my wood shop

Fred Voorhees
04-30-2007, 6:59 PM
I hope you guys understand. I have been on furlough from work now for almost two months due to my carpal tunnel surgery and for the last two weeks have been searching for stuff to keep me occupied during the day. I will be thankfully going back to work in a week or so. But, the fact is, I have been lacking in stuff to stay busy all day. I had been fooling around lately with my digital camera which is able to shoot video and I had mostly been using it to document some of our spring fishing expeditions. Well, boredom bore in today and I figured what the heck, shoot some video of the shop. At the least, it served to kick my butt into gear and clean up the shop a bit:D So without further ado......


Tyler Howell
04-30-2007, 7:10 PM
Thanks Fred!!:cool:

Howie French
04-30-2007, 7:33 PM
thanks for posting Fred, I enjoyed the tour.
you have a great shop


Fred Gross
04-30-2007, 7:36 PM
Great video! I know your pain (well sort of). I had surgery on my thumb to repair a fracture back in mid-December, so I spent two months and some change banned from my garage. I've only done some carving and a couple of other small projects to help knock some of the rust off. Feels good to have tools back in my hand.

Bob Noles
04-30-2007, 7:50 PM
Great video and shop Fred. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us and hopes for a continued recovery. I see a lot of really good ideas in that video that I need to give some thought to. I really like the arrangement of your tools.

Jim Becker
04-30-2007, 8:09 PM
Hmmm...all the times I've visited your shop I didn't feel quite so, umm...well...dizzy. :D :D :D Nice job Fred! Great tour and I really do like that stop feature at the RAS.

Frankie Hunt
04-30-2007, 9:55 PM
Thanks for the tour! You have a nice shop.

You probably already know that there is a recall on your radial arm saw, but in case you don't you can go to radialarmsawrecall dot com to check it out. They will send you a new guard and table board.

Blake Holton
04-30-2007, 10:16 PM
Thanks Fred. Hope you get back up on your... er, hands soon!

Dave Ray
04-30-2007, 10:45 PM
Nice shop Fred, thanks for the tour. The machines look like they are just sitting there waiting for your hands to get better. Hope you get well soon.

Corey Hallagan
04-30-2007, 11:48 PM
Great shop Fred. I love seeing the video tours. I like the set up you have. Nice work!


David Cramer
05-01-2007, 7:46 AM
Outstanding Fred!!!! Extremely motivating to see the shop's of others in a video format. Great idea on incorporating the DeWalt Planer into your 30 foot long bench. I bet that has worked out well for ya. Thanks again for being so generous posting a video of your shop. Those type of things never get boring to look at. Well done sir!


Art Mulder
05-01-2007, 10:37 AM
Thanks for the tour!

I like that big bench/assembly table. Looks very versatile.

Ted Miller
05-01-2007, 11:56 AM
Fred, Great tour, I love how you added the planer into the bench, great idea...

glenn bradley
05-01-2007, 1:06 PM
Looking good Fred. It's great to see more folks giving us access to video tours.

Fred Voorhees
05-01-2007, 3:29 PM
Thanks for the tour! You have a nice shop.

You probably already know that there is a recall on your radial arm saw, but in case you don't you can go to radialarmsawrecall dot com to check it out. They will send you a new guard and table board.

Frank, thanks for the heads up. The retrofit is ordered and on its way.

Bob Childress
05-01-2007, 4:28 PM
Delightful tour Fred! Very cool. :cool: You are much neater than I and I now feel compelled to go clean the shed. :o

Bill Lewis
05-01-2007, 4:39 PM
That was a cool thing to do, Thanks Fred.

You know a picture is worth a thousands words, what's a video worth? A million?:)

Bruce Page
05-01-2007, 7:46 PM
These video tours are cool!
Nice shop Fred, does everything have to come up those stairs?

Fred Voorhees
05-01-2007, 10:08 PM
These video tours are cool!
Nice shop Fred, does everything have to come up those stairs?

Oh Yeah. And go down also. I think I finally found what is about the limit as far as size-wise going down. The base for this captains bed for my niece pressed the envelope for getting down the stairs in one piece. Myself and three buddies were needed to gently get it down without marring it. If I remember the measurements correctly, it was something like two foot from top to bottom, 54 inches wide by 81 inches long.

Charles Jackson III
05-01-2007, 10:34 PM
Nice shop tour.

Alan Tolchinsky
05-01-2007, 11:18 PM

Great idea posting on youtube. I wish I had room for that big assembly table. May you spend many more enjoyable hours in your beautiful shop. Alan