View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
04-23-2007, 10:50 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

It's time to discuss what we did over the weekend.

For me...it was work for the day job on Friday and Saturday. Friday night and Saturday night I was working on the glueup of the first curved end of the oval shaped kitchen table. I'm doing this is a "brick-stack" so I don't have to steam bend wood or find wood that would be wide enough to just cut the curve out of a single pice. The brick-stack will be better than a single piece of wood due to all the overlappy glue joints and the glue I used is the DAP Plastic Resin Glue. The stuff works great!! In short, the first arched piece is all glued up and has been set aside. I have also started the 2nd and final piece and have almost completed the 1st 2 layers of the brick-stack. The rest of the table should be a breeze compared to all this. ;)

It was church on Sunday, but I didn't play bass this week. I had the "day off" from playing which meant that church for me was only 2 hours instead of nearly 9 hours for a typical Sunday when I play.

The LOML and I tilled up the garden and moved a little dirt around in preparation of planting our garden. The kids asked to plant a garden, so we have started that process. I sure hope that this garden does better under kid control than the last one.

I have finished one bowl and have one more to turn for a donation to the National Kidney Foundation to help raise funds for a worthy cause.

Today is my day off, but I go back to work tomorrow due to some training I'm getting. I don't know why we're getting training now???!!! We've been asking for this training for about 5 years now. Better late than never I guess. :D

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all....

Tyler Howell
04-23-2007, 11:07 AM
Hey Dennis,
Great weekend,
Good news from the Dr. on 7 ulcers I've been sporting for a while here. Clean bill of health.
Headed up to the new place with one of the lady friends.
Rerouted all the power in the master suite.
Got the lawn tractor running.
Installed this: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=56652 (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=56652)
Painted all the peg board in the garagemahal. Makes a world of difference in brightening the place up and visibility. You can see a little behind the AC in the above thread.

Then I bought one of these:
4 week delivery
60" plow blade
54" mowing deck.
loader, back hoe
I like these kinda weekends:D :D .
Be safe


Live Like You Mean It!

Nancy Laird
04-23-2007, 11:15 AM
Good morning, happy Monday!!!

Sounds like you're making progress on the table, Dennis. I'm anxious to see the result.

Tyler, nice tractor.

Had a productive weekend at Laird House - ran a batch of lasering for a new customer on Friday night, spent Saturday in Santa Fe running air lines and putting together a HEAVY dust collector in Rick Levine's new shop, and LOML went back yesterday to start running DC lines, while I spent most of the day in bed fighting a migraine headache. It wasn't a good day for me, but on the bright side, I also got one of my computers fixed and won't have random reboots going on any more - just needed a new power supply.

Have a great week, everyone!!


Ken Fitzgerald
04-23-2007, 11:20 AM
Saturday roughed out one bowl........Fought vertigo attacks.

Sunday........Little Riley came over to play with papa........Life is good!

Al Willits
04-23-2007, 11:42 AM
Had a nice 4 day weekend...cleaning...:)

Also removed about 4 bags of "stuff" from upstairs that I'd been saving for a rainny day, and after all these years never used, and moved the reloading bench out of the way so I can finish remodeling the upstairs.
Anybody need .38 brass....:)

Got the wife's new comp fired up and need to just install Word and whatever she wants from her old comp into it, whew! its been a battle....but I can get back to the comp I'm putting into the garage now.

Spent a day wandering the country side with beasty, just happened to stop at Rockler and spent a bunch...they had a sale going...:D

Also got the storage cabinet case done and started on the doors, going with cherry frames and white oak panels.....I think it might look nice.

And make it over to Nissan to get the Altima's oiled changed and fell in lust with the Murano...hummmmm was thinking maybe trade the F150 in, but wife says no till next year ....spoil sport...:)

All in all, a nice long weekend, even the rain didn't bother us.

Al...who didn't even need a band aid this weekend....:D

ps.....Ted...you get something built ??...I was cleaning for both of us...:D

Jim Becker
04-23-2007, 11:56 AM
I chose to take it easy on Friday since I had been in Houston all week for a conference and also missed most of the previous Sunday for travel...so I hooked up the trailer that afternoon and picked up some very nice Baltic birch plywood from a local supplier.

Saturday would normally have been "my turn" for YMCA stuff, but Alesya had a birthday party and Nastia's karate class was not meeting due to a tournament elsewhere. So after lunch out while the younger was at the party, I got into the shop to get more moving on my new vanities project (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=56649).

That work continued Sunday afternoon after I got to say a lot of very bad words when we discovered the nearly new sump pump's float switch wasn't working. There was a foot of water in the basement when we woke up. I'm really, really, really hoping we didn't lose another very expensive hot water heater again...it's not in my budget, as it were. At any rate, my shop time came to a close mid-afternoon as it was off to the YMCA for a swim and a shower. And drat, the water in the shower there wasn't exactly hot, either. Sheesh! The washer and dryer are ok...and I'll find out about the hot water heater later today.

Ed Breen
04-23-2007, 3:01 PM
Quite a Weekend!!!
Spent Saturday morning installing a new belt on the Kubota belly mower. I found a lost bull chain last week while mowing!!! Rest of the weekend was spent doing more cleanup still after the 1/12 ice storm. We now have cleaned out the backyard. (side note: ran out of propane yesterday HUH then figured out that there were so many brush piles in the way that the delivery truck could not get to the tank)
Both grandkids at their mothers for the weekend so LOML and I were free to just slave over hot fires.
Ed:) :)

Billy Reynolds
04-23-2007, 9:01 PM
Able to get back in the shop to putter around after months of being absent due to cervical & lumbar spine surgery. After month of physical therapy & getting the pain under control able to spend some time in shop. Had to stay away from the power tools while dealing with the pain meds.......safety first. Finished a quilt rack for my daughter who will be coming for a visit next month. Rack made of pine and finished with Bombay Maghony stain/poly. I still have alot of room to improve on my finishing techniques.

Jim Becker
04-23-2007, 9:07 PM
That turned out very nicely, Billy. 'Glad to see you're back in the shop, too!

Dan Mages
04-23-2007, 9:41 PM
All of the windows were pulled and two coats of polyshades was wiped on. Ali and I met up with a local turner who helped us make some pens for use at our wedding. Afterwards, four of them will be given as gifts.



Don Bullock
04-23-2007, 9:44 PM
I spent much of Saturday at a dog show. Since my basset didn't win Best of Breed I got home in time to install my new Incra fence system on my SawStop http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=56593 :D. After that I watched the NASCAR race. On Sunday we had an unusual show time for the dog so I got to actually sleep in. That meant, however, no shop time. No, we didn't win Sunday either.

Jim, I hope everything is OK in your basement. I'd be very mad too.

Jeff Kerr
04-23-2007, 9:55 PM

Sorry to hear about the sump pump. My in-laws have a sump problem all the time. I think the house is built on a spring or something :eek: It runs all day long. Even when there is no rain for a month in August.

Anyway, they added a moisture sensor from the alarm company on the floor near the sump well and it will go off if the floor gets wet.

He also added a backup sump that sits on a block in the sump well so it is higher than the primary and kicks in if the water get that high. Both of these tie to a marine backup battery unit to provide backup power if the elec goes out.

Belt and Suspenders if you know what I mean. :rolleyes:

Just in case it helps you.

Dennis Peacock
04-23-2007, 10:03 PM
Able to get back in the shop to putter around after months of being absent due to cervical & lumbar spine surgery. After month of physical therapy & getting the pain under control able to spend some time in shop. Had to stay away from the power tools while dealing with the pain meds.......safety first. Finished a quilt rack for my daughter who will be coming for a visit next month. Rack made of pine and finished with Bombay Maghony stain/poly. I still have alot of room to improve on my finishing techniques.

It's great to see you back Billy..!!!!!!!!!!! You have been missed my friend.

Todd Jensen
04-23-2007, 11:40 PM
Tyler, your phrase 'garagemahal' is perfect. :D Congrats on the new tractor - thats sharp.

Karl Laustrup
04-24-2007, 5:22 AM
Busy weekend here. Not in the shop though. Spent the weekend tilling up some ground for a garden, an area under our bay window for flowers and the area around the house for something. Just haven't figured out what just yet.

Also, aereated the lawn, planted some vine type flowering things along the fence between us and the next door neighbor.

All in all a very productive weekend, but I found muscles I hadn't used in a while.

Nice TOYL there Tyler. You driving that down to the Eau Claire meet this Saturday???? :D


Ted Miller
04-24-2007, 10:49 AM
Al, I was not able to do any cleaning, I was assembling drawers and carcasses with the Domino all weekend. Had to really get into the groove and now its second nature with this new tool. After a few mishaps, Dominos fault of course, the drawers and cabs went together with ease and very fast. I like to spend the week making all my cuts for all the cabinets and drawers then spend a few days of just assembly. Not having tons of room for items laying around my shop this works easiest for me.

Everyone have a safe week...

Matt Meiser
04-24-2007, 11:19 AM
I spent the weekend working my butt off. I started Friday night emptying out the previous home office and moving the computer and furniture to the basement. Then I ripped out the carpeting. Saturday I installed laminate flooring and moved the new work office furniture into the room. Sunday I rolled the mole hills in the lawn, changed the tractor oil, installed the mower deck and mowed the lawn. Then I changed the oil in both vehicles. I finished by replacing the rear brakes on LOML's car after investigating the grinding noise she forgot to tell me about for a few weeks :mad: .

Dennis Peacock
04-30-2007, 12:03 PM
30 Apr 2007
Good Morning....well...it's almost lunch time now. I like Karl's idea of dating these things...so I borrowed his idea. Thanks Karl!!!

I did get around to finishing up the two arched end "brick stacks" for the kitchen table project this weekend. Thanks to Mark Cothren for lending me some of his bessey clamps as more clamps made the work go much faster as I was able to glue and clamp a single row of the arch at a time instead.

I also worked on 3 bowls, a 4th one was recently done, but I needed to apply the finish. Two bowls are going to the National Kidney Foundation to help raise funds for this worthy cause.
I also went to church on Sunday...but didn't play this weekend as I wasn't scheduled.
The last thing I did was to work with Joseph on roughing out/turning his first pecan bowl. He's been turning maple as it's soft as I knew it was time to expose him to turning something harder. He took the challenge...ya know, sure wish I had shop access to stuff like this when "I" was 12 years old. :rolleyes:

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Joseph Peacock
04-30-2007, 12:33 PM
What I accomplished is I ruffed out a peacon bowl, and I am going to finish it today and I will post some pics when it's finished.;) :D :cool:

Al Willits
04-30-2007, 12:50 PM
Did some cleaning Sat morning, then Tyler and I spent a very enjoyable day visiting fellow creekers in Wisconsin, got home and told the wife all about the wonderful time I had while she had to work during her birthday....then spent most of Sunday doing penitence for having such a great time, with out the wife being along.
Especially on her birthday.
Shebeast has no sense of humor on these things....

Sunday was gardening day with Beasty, I did enough to be forgiven about just about any mischief I could have gotten into...or so I thought, but the dinner I took her out to for finally stopped the beatings and all is well.....she WILL be coming along next time btw...:D

Did manage to do some routing on the door frames for the storage cabinet and long about 8:30 I was done, shut the garage down and called it a night.


Greg Cole
04-30-2007, 1:17 PM
No real "WW'ing"... but did manage to get 95% of a new deck framed in. About 12' X 14'. Not bad for one Sunday for a one man crew... and that includes the BORG run to buy all the PT lumber for the project.
Tonight is another BORG run for the recycled milk jug stuff... can't bring myself to call it lumber, wood or even boards. Does buying alot of "plastic" lumber consitute a gloat? :rolleyes:
I have a couple late night hockey games this week, so the deck project will keep me working from when I get home from work til the pucks drop (10 PM EST).
One more thing... if you've ever hauled 16' PT 2 X 10's in a Toyota Tacoma, it's sure an adventure! Especially when hauling 14 of them along with a bunch of other PT lumber....:D


And for all the puck fans... LET'S GO RED WINGS!

Nancy Laird
04-30-2007, 1:19 PM
BUSY weekend in the laser shop - turned out four major jobs and did some housecleaning/consolidating/organizing - I now have over $1K in orders in the car to be delivered!! We also got one more job about half-completed and samples for another job done. LOML went to Santa Fe on Saturday to work on the DC some more, and I FINALLY got back to the lathe late Sunday afternoon, turned one stopper (NO, no pictures as it's a mess), and have another one on the lathe in progress. The other stopper is going back on the lathe for sanding and refinishing--it's terrible.

Have a good week, everyone!


Mark Pruitt
04-30-2007, 1:22 PM
A weekend in the Vortex. Can't ask for much more than this. (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=57077)

Tyler Howell
04-30-2007, 1:24 PM
O-Ded on creekers this weekend.
Met Joel Ficke at the Minnesota WW Guild show Friday.
Beautiful work, nice guy. this picture does not do his work justic
May have to sell my toyls the bar has been set even higher.

3 hours in the car with Al to the EAU gathering.
We were Jet propelled home after a heathy dosage of Bushs baked beans at Joe and Mabel's place:o :rolleyes: :D .

Moved some big toyls into position for the trip north.
Rearanged the empty shop space after I took out the tools.
Have a safe week

Bill Arnold
04-30-2007, 1:30 PM
About the only thing I accomplished over the weekend was installing my Super Gorilla! After borrowing a couple of neighbors to help hoist it onto the wall mount, I then hoisted a couple of Buds followed by a long, slow Beam on the rocks!!!

Check the time-lapse at: http://bbarnold.com/images/shop-ga/Gorilla.wmv

I'm so :D:D:D:D:D

Chip Olson
04-30-2007, 1:36 PM
Finally finished getting the drawers and pull-outs installed and adjusted. I had come up with a scheme for making the pull-outs height-adjustable, and it turned out to need some tweaking. OK, I twice had to abandon what I was doing and more or less completely re-engineer it, with the result that what should have taken a weekend or so ended up taking two months.

But it's done now, and the drawers all do their nice slide-in-and-out thing. Though I still need to install the false fronts and put in the mounting strips and slides for the toekick drawers I haven't built yet.

Also cleaned up my shop, which had turned into quite the disaster area, and got started building a table and fence for my drill press, which I'm going to need to drill the cup holes for the doors.

Karl Laustrup
04-30-2007, 1:38 PM
Did manage to do some routing on the door frames for the storage cabinet and long about 8:30 I was done, shut the garage down and called it a night.


Al, I thought you weren't going to do any more routing until you got Carol's book? :confused: Besides you know that router collet should be changed. And here I thought you were going to do everything the right way now. ;) :D

Howdy Dennis. With as much of a good time that I had Saturday, I don't think anything could have made the weekend any better.

Sunday was goof off day. Watched the 'Dega race, well most of it. I did shut my eyes for a wee bit.

My mom comes back tonight from 5 weeks in Portland visiting my brother and his family. Now we'll be a family again.

Have a good week all. Will talk again on Friday, if not before.


Al Willits
04-30-2007, 1:55 PM
Karl, I thought she said every 100 hours or so...I don't have a hour on mine...:)
Did make sure the bit shaft and Collet were clean though.

Carol has a book?????
She sure is knowledgeable enough to write one.

Al...Her book I'd buy no problem.

Dennis Peacock
04-30-2007, 1:57 PM
OK...I made a boo-boo and merged two weekend accomplishments. Sorry about that but I'll have to make some time to fix this once I figure out the best way to bust up a thread. :o :o :o

Tyler Howell
04-30-2007, 3:37 PM
wait stop!!! What happen !!
Bang ouch

Karl Laustrup
04-30-2007, 4:30 PM
OK...I made a boo-boo and merged two weekend accomplishments. Sorry about that but I'll have to make some time to fix this once I figure out the best way to bust up a thread. :o :o :o

Man I thought it was time to check myself in to the funny farm.

You shouldn't hadn't awta do this to us old codgers Dennis. My mind is mostly jello anyway and this didn't help. ;) :D


Dennis Peacock
04-30-2007, 5:39 PM
Man I thought it was time to check myself in to the funny farm.

You shouldn't hadn't awta do this to us old codgers Dennis. My mind is mostly jello anyway and this didn't help. ;) :D


Sorry Karl.....but my brain was operating on too little coffee this morning. That's what I get for staying up too late the night before. :o